Thursday, March 13, 2008


Why wouldn't EVERY SENATOR come out and vote for a bill banning earmarks at a time when everyone acknowledges that congressional spending is grossly out of control?

First of all it's an election year. Senators want to make sure that their constituents and their campaign contributors know that they can bring home the pork, or make good on promises that they have already made.

Second of all, there has been little or no retribution for taking this position.

There needs to be. Remember they are YOUR Senators, they are YOUR congressman. Call them up and tell them that this is important to you.


Bill Curley said...

Please excuse me if I appeared to be somewhat negative; but, I truely believe that our Congressional Representatives no longer represent me. Their representation only covers people who align themselves with a cause covered by some special interest group that has influence (money). True representative government and the majority rule concept is gone.

JonesGardenBlog said...

I don't think you're being negative, Bill, I think you are being realistic. Cut the pork. We don't need a moratorium on earmarks, we need to eliminate them all together.

We do have a choice in this. People need to be educated. People need to think of what is best for the COUNTRY and NOT just our own short term benefit and people need to vote. Bag the spenders, vote conservative.

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