Monday, March 10, 2008

Eliot "Client #9" Spitzer

Ouch. That had to hurt.

Spitzer campaigned as someone who was going to end corruption in Albany. As a prosecutor (hello, aren't those guys the ones that BUST prostitution rings) Spitzer was supposed to be this tough guy.

Guess he got tired of being on the right side of the law.

I've obviously never been a big fan of the guy because, #1 he's liberal, #2 his most notable achievement was proposing driver's licenses for illegals, which ended up being a question at a Democratic debate where the moderator pinned Hillary down and wouldn't let her get away without an answer. Spitzer dropped the whole thing immediately after.

Just think, your whole political career going down to being caught as "Client #9" in a high profile prostitution ring and being the impetus for a question in a debate.


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