Thursday, March 6, 2008

Refocusing on Priorities, Evaluating New Year's Resolutions

I am going to minimize the blogging for the next couple of days in order to get some things done around the house and the office.

Every once in a while you need to read through the New Year's Resolutions and gage how well you are doing and quite frankly, I'm not doing that good :) So I need a couple of days to refocus and get back on track.

So, I will probably limit it to one or two posts a day.

Just temporarily. :) That's about as much as I can hold off.

FYI, for those of you who have commented about it, mentioned it, called my wife about it... I have been looking into what it takes to run for public office. I don't think that I'm ready for it at this point in time, especially from a financial and family situation. I do appreciate the support and it is definitely something that I will pray about and consider in the future.




kristen said...

...All I am saying is that if you wait to be ready you may never be ready!!! Trust God and take a leap! And I didn't call your wife to talk about you I called her to chat and you happened to come up :)

Bill Curley said...

Please recognize your potential. Funding, organization, backing, and all of the requisites will emerge once you start & make an effort in the direction. Do not allow your efforts to be sidetracked by the "hack" politicians and camp followers. You do have the ability to win. Do not think small.

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