Monday, March 24, 2008

After week 7

Today is the first day back from vacation. I'm just digging out of the deluge of email and scraping the surface of the political news. I thought about not doing this update today, but instead waiting until tomorrow... but, I thought it would be an interesting data point.

Okay, my goals for vacation included:
- Cleaning out the garages (DONE: I even got BOTH cars in! Very exciting)
- work on the laundry room (DONE: with some help from B, SO much better)
- take kids to pool. (Too cold, but B took them to a movie while I worked on the garages. I may squeeze this one in this week since it is MUCH warmer)
- Take B on a date! (DONE: Always good to spend time with my amazing wife who puts up with quite a bit from me.)
- Write 20 pages ( No bueno. No progress. I left the laptop in the bag except for a couple of days)

So to make up some headway on writing I am going to add a writing night this week.

Before I give you my weight for the week, remember yesterday was Easter, and for our celebration I experimented and smoked a turkey, and a 20 pounder at that. For my first go, I would say it was pretty good. Not too much smoke flavor, but VERY juicy. It was eaten much better than the ham that was also available. There were at least four desserts there, two of which were made by my talented wife. She also made fresh chala bread with cinnamon, honey butter. Oh my. People were practically eating that stuff by the spoonfull. Just to be fair I also had a piece of my sister-in-law's Butterfinger cake. Very good. Just keep that in mind. :)

Weight: 240.5 lbs. 70.5 lbs to go.
Writing: 0 pages. :( 3 total.

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