Friday, March 28, 2008

The Wright Mansion

If you go back to a previous post I had about Trinity United Church of Christ, where Rev. Jeremiah Wright is the former pastor and Obama is a regular attender you should recall something that is part of the church's basic mission "Economic parity". If you don't understand PC terms, that means they believe in Marxism (basically). Rev Wright preached for years how people should avoid the ills of materialism.

But, Fox News did a little homework and found out that they Rev isn't TOTALLY against some materialism. Well, maybe that's not fair, does a $1.6 MILLION dollar home really count as a material possession?

According to the pastor's words on the web page:
"The fortunate who are among us combine forces with the less fortunate to become agents of change for God who is not pleased with America’s economic mal-distribution!"

I guess that's good news for the rest of the members of Trinity! Get in line guys! Who wants the next 10K square foot house?!

Of course there was a $10 million dollar line of credit opened up against the property too... hmm... is that the rest of his retirement package? Or just some really nice furniture for the house?

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