Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I didn't get to watch it last night, but I have to say that I am REALLY enjoying the press today. Articles like this one are all over the web. I've been listening to some of the audio and my goodness people, if you want to hear how to dodge a question, just pull up ANY of Hillary's non-answers. Talk about a verbal contortionist. Ouch!

Obama is going to gain some serious ground if he keeps up this effort. Edwards and Chris Dodd jumped on the band wagon pretty good too.

Don't get me wrong, I CAN'T STAND any of these jokers. Unfortunately I can say the same for a lot of the Republican field. It's a rough election season this time around. It will get uglier at the end. Guaranteed if it ends up being Hillary vs Rudy you won't be able to let anyone under 17 listen to the election news. Both of their closets are filled with dirty, naked and raunchy skeletons and they are all going to get drug out and put on your TV.


If you haven't seen this before, get ready to get MAD! I mean, MAD! Like march in the streets and fight kind of MAD. I heard this one on the radio and felt like jumping through the antenna to smack some people.

This is what happens when we started mandating things that don't need to be mandated. This is what happens when the government decides that they know how to raise your kids better than you do. This is what happens when government is allowed to encroach into every aspect of private life. It is stories just like this that make it SO important to have LIMITED government.


Here's another link to it, just in case you missed the first two.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The First Stop

Rockpoint Church is about 2 miles from our house. It is a community church with solid core beliefs. It looks like they have an exciting kids program, inspirational worship, a good track for getting people in and moving. Our official church scout had some mixed reviews, but we're going to check it out!

Focus, focus, focus...

Alright, I'm focused. I did pretty good on my 'meals' yesterday. Okay, dinner was not good, well, I mean it was good but not good. Two entre plate at Panda Express (orange and mandarin chicken of course). Followed by an ice cream cone with my oldest son :) But I snacked WAY too much. I really can't go into all of the details because they were too numerous to count.

Anyway, I think this quote is a good one for me to focus on.

"To get the body in tone, get the mind in tune." - Zachary T. Bercovitz, M.D.

I like that. I think there's a lot of truth there.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Good Quote

We had an emotional weekend. I feel like things went as well as can be expected. Life is not always easy, but sometimes you have to make decisions because you believe that they are the best ones for your family. I saw this quote last night and I really appreciated it.

Before me, even as behind,
God is, and all is well. - John Greenleaf Whittier

Friday, October 26, 2007


Ug. No bueno. I recently lost thirty pounds, which was a good start toward the 70 that I needed to lose. Well, when I got on the scale this morning I was back UP 13 pounds, which means I have 53 pounds to lose. No bueno. I would really LOVE to be under 200 by Christmas. This would put me 50 pounds down for the year. That would be a good goal.

Yesterday I did REALLY bad. Lunch was a pulled pork sandwhich (Tennessee style), with a 32 ounch Sobe citrus energy drink, a big bag of Fiery Habenero Doritos and (can you see it coming) a medium blizzard. Ouch. Nothing like a 4 digit lunch to kill your weight loss.

I'm back on track today though. I did good for breakfast and I have a slimfast shake in the fridge for lunch.

Must lose weight...

Morning ADD

I'm probably the only one in the world affected by this condition, but I am serious when I say that I have it BAD. Morning ADD. For some reason, unless I have to be somewhere at a specific time, I have the hardest time focusing. It's been pretty good lately, since I know that at 5:30am my dad is going to be sitting on the couch, ready to go. But when he drives himself, I have the hardest time.

Here is how it usually goes.

Get up and turn on the water to get it warm so I can shave. Go to the bathroom. Realize while I'm in the bathroom that I'm really hungry. Get out of the bathroom, turn off the water and go to the kitchen to make some eggs, pass the fridge and think about getting a drink. Grab a glass out of the cupboard and wonder if it's really clean or not. Turn on the lights and take a good look at it. Put the cup in the door for some water, but realize that some milk would be better, oh milk, that makes me think of cereal, I'll get a bowl of that instead. Put the cup back, grab a bowl, oh look there is the coffee maker, I don't use that, but it makes me think of coffee, that would REALLY hit the spot right now. Grab the measuring cup and fill it with water... you know I already went to the bathroom once, but... I'm feeling like my coffee has already kicked in and I haven't even had any. Head to the bathroom, but which one, the guest or the master, well the wife and baby are sleeping in the master, so I better use the guest, but that might wake up Kyle... go to the master... maybe I should eat some cereal first. Go back to the kitchen, look at the clock, holy cow, I've wasted 20 minutes! I better get shaving...

I think you get the point.

Focusing seems to be a problem lately.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I love this cartoon. If you aren't a cog in the corporate machine, you probably don't get it. However for those of us who are, particularly in the engineering world, Dilbert is a documentary. Painfully accurate, but amusing at the same time. I recently went through this trying to schedule the birth of my son. Try and time that one without a c-section.

I don't get it

Ordinarily, just seeing a picture of Charlie Rangel gets me irritated. Hearing a tax plan from him... well, that just gets me ticked! You can read the details of it here. I wouldn't necessarily recommend doing it, mainly because the lost minutes of your life just aren't worth it.
Let me sum it up like this. Repeal tax cuts which have helped to spur on the economy and create the greatest amount of revenue to the federal government in HISTORY. Add a special tax to those making greater than $150K a year and a greater increase to those making $500K a year. I understand the attempt at logic. But when you look at the facts, it just doesn't make sense. First of all, the people who make greater than $150K a year are already being taxed at a higher rate. Also, a lot of the people in this bracket are small business owners who are not only funding their own retirement plans, but are paying for all of their own health insurance and trying to put money aside in case business slows down, which if you look at the housing sector, is a real posibility. On top of that he also wants to add payroll taxes to these small business owners. Good grief, it appears that the Dems want to crush one of the most vibrant (and tax lucrative) parts of the economy! STUPID!
While we are on the subject of taxes, maybe you should go back and read the article, just so you can get a glimpse of how ridiculously complicated our tax code has gotten. I normally consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but quite frankly, I'm lost on most of this stuff. Plus there are two very large sections of the country that get away with very little, if any, taxes.
1) The super rich, not the people who are actually making money, but the people who HAVE money. The shear nature of their income makes it very difficult to track and tax. Add the right lawyers and accountants and it would appear that they don't have any income.
2) Those who make their money outside of the normal legal channels. Quite frankly if you are breaking the law to make money, you are certainly not going to be following the tax code in reporting it.
The solution is what is known as the Fair Tax or a consumption based tax system. Staples are excluded, but all other items are taxed at the time of purchase. Doesn't sound good to pay 15% sales tax on anything, but if you don't have an income tax, capital gains tax, tax on savings accounts, payroll taxes for employers, or the unlimited other taxes that strangle and strip your funds before you ever see them, then a hefty sales tax becomes very reasonable. If you want to save your money... great! Why should the government profit for you being responsible with your money? Of course, eventually you are going to spend it and when you do, you'll get taxed and the government will get it's money. Even less scrupulous income earners eventually want to spend their illegal cash and when they do it will be taxed. The same goes for those fortunate enough to be sitting on the family trust fund; eventually they will buy things, and when they do, they'll get taxed.
I don't know, it makes sense to me, which is a lot more than I can say for the tax code.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pastor Furtick

God is doing some amazing things right now, this minute, around the globe and around the country. One of those places is Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC. God is literally just throwing unchurched unbelievers at these people and they are preaching Christ to them by the hundreds. It's awesome! It's inspiring! I love it!

If you haven't heard of Elevation, haven't listened to the sermons on-line (careful they are an HOUR long to a PACKED school!), haven't checked out Steven Furtick's blog, then you are really missing out. Get over there and check it out.

His blog today REALLY spoke to me. We are going through some changes and transitions now in our family at church and at work. These two entries on the blog really hit me. Check them out:

What this is

Good grief, I have a million things in my mind that I need to get out in some way. Sometimes I just sit on things so long that my head just hurts, a million little voices/songs/self talk pulling me in a hundred different directions at once. This is merely a place where I can write these things down before I go insane. I guess when your head is as big as mine there are a lot of places for a lot of ideas to run around.

Whether it is thinking about my favorite coffee maker, the best ink pens to write with, story topics in my head, sermons or lessons God has put on my heart... quite frankly the stuff just needs to get out and get written down somewhere. It might be ten times a day and it might be just a few times a week. I don't really think that it's healthy for it to be less than that.

Right now my mind is kind of scattered, I need to bring some clarity and a LOT of focus. It seems like most of the time I end up wasting time on things that I never intend to waste time on and ignore the things that I am really passionate about.

There, something like that...


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