Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The End and the Beginning

The year is winding down and I’m beginning to think over the past year and the year to come.

There were lots of things that I wanted to accomplish this year; several of them fell into the completed column, but several of them fell into the half way done column. I finished the rough draft of my book and did a lot of editing, but have yet to complete the second draft or the final copy. I’ve lost some weight and I’m on track to keep losing, but I still have a long way to go.

As you can see I can be kind of pessimistic about these things. I like to be able to make a full check mark in the box. I like things to be finished. I get a little frustrated when they don’t quite make it, but somehow that doesn’t necessarily translate into the discipline to complete them, because my laziness at times seems greater than my desire to tie up the loose ends.

Which brings me to my resolutions for next year… I haven’t come up with them yet, but I will definitely be contemplating it once the wrapping paper is all cleaned up and the toys are all sorted.

I really want to answer some big questions. What do I really want to accomplish over the next ten years (if I’m blessed with that), and what do I need to do this next year to put me on track to get to that point? How do I not just fix one habit, but rather establish a pattern that will lead me to the successful end and the sense of accomplishment that I enjoy? How do stop being lazy and find motivation when I feel burned out and defeated? How do I cope with stress better and learn to exercise instead of eat for stress release? How do I accomplish dreams that right now seem distant and incompletely defined?

I haven’t quite figured all of that out yet, and I don’t know that I will this year. Eventually I’ll accomplish some of these things though; hopefully the ones that are actually important. The critical part is taking stock of where you’re at and where you want to go, or more importantly where God wants you to go.

As a follower of Christ, he should take preeminence in all of my decision making, and certainly in my goals and aspirations.

I’ve been trying to come up with a daily mantra for quite a while now. Something that I can start the morning with and use to help refocus me as the day becomes grueling. Here it is what I have been using:

“Today I will seek discipline and wisdom. I will be quick to listen and slow to speak. This day is a gift to be used wisely and well. I will seek God’s glory in everything that I say and do.”

I’ve also scripted a prayer to accompany it:

“God, make my plan for this day what YOU would have it to be. Make my life a reflection of your purpose. May you be glorified in all that I say and do. Amen.”

So what does God want me to do next year?

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