Monday, March 17, 2008

Support the Fence, Secure the Border

Sign up at and support the efforts of Senator DeMint.

There will be reports, as there always are, that this is about racism; white people verses brown. As Senator DeMint explains, it's really about crime, drugs, human trafficking and sex trafficking that is coming across our border. Young girls promised jobs and when they get here they are told they have a debt to pay and are forced into prostitution to pay their coyotes. It's horrible. These are young girls, 12-15 years old.

Our church is actually working with a ministry called Vision Abolition which is seeking to eliminate the sex trade industry around the world and they have been meeting with local officials in AZ to start getting these girls off the street. The average age of a prostitute in PHX is 13 years old. This whole thing is atrocious. Vision Abolition is working to rescue girls from this industry and working on educating men to dry up the market.

Let's make it harder for these coyotes (read that as human trash) that bring these girls up from Mexico, Central and South America.

Finish the fence. Enforce the border.

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