Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Obama, Hamas and Iran

Obama has been saying for months that he will hold talks with Iran and thinks that the Bush administration has been wrong to hold them at a cautious distance.

Yet he says something different about Hamas. Now let's not forget that Hamas is the democratically elected government of the Palestinian territories. They have also most recently seized military control of the Gaza strip by fighting and murdering other Palestinians, but is this any worse than Iran? How many student protests have they put down in a violent manner? How many times has Ahmenejad (sp?) said that Israel should be wiped off the map, that they shouldn't and WON'T exist, and even insisted that the hallocaust was faked.

I completely agree with him that the US shouldn't be discussing anything with Hamas that doesn't involve them denouncing their previous assertions, cracking down on their own terrorist insiders and putting them on trial, halting all rocket attacks on Israel, and actually establishing the peace that the Palestinian Authority promised to bring, but never attempted to stop.

Shouldn't we DEMAND the same from Iran? They should halt all aid to terrorist organization in Iraq, Syria, and Lebannon. They should seek out the terrorist organizations that exist in their own country including the president himself. Elect a new pro-SANITY government. Halt all rhetoric against our allies, including Israel. Make reforms inside their own country that demonstrate a respect for basic human rights for all citizens, including women. Get rid of their religous police that regularly beat people on the street or drag them off to prison for what they were wearing, where they were eating, or who they were eating with.

Let's be consistent here, Obama, let's treat all terrorists like terrorists.

Of course, he could be just saying that in order to win over Jewish and pro-Israeli voters. Let's see if any of his Middle East Policy Advisers hold closed door meetings with Palestinian representatives any time soon.

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