Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dem Crossover Votes for McCain

There is some pretty interesting stuff happening in this primary. It looks like the Dems are pretty bitter and split about this whole battle. Kind of funny considering there is really zero difference between the candidates on anything OTHER than personality.

Rush Limbaugh and other talk show hosts have been doing what they can to add fuel to the fire. Limbaugh is working what he calls "Operation Chaos" to get Rep voters to cross over and vote for Hillary in order to prolong the whole nomination process. The good news is that it appears to be working.

In the meantime, some Dems are actually threatening to sue Limbaugh for "Operation Chaos", while they are also trying to get Reps to vote for their candidate. Are they going to sue themselves next? The whole thing is a mess, which is of course what Limbaugh wanted in the first place.

I know a lot of people don't like the man, but quite frankly, he's a genius when it comes to this stuff.

At this point it's pretty entertaining.

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