Monday, March 10, 2008

Should she stay or should she go now?

Well, there are people on either side here. Some saying Hillary should pull the plug and others pleading with her not to.

Of course Hillary has a different idea of what to do. Now if she thinks that he is going to take her up on it, she has got to be dreaming. Why on EARTH would Obama sign on as her VP? All it would do is make it impossible for him to run in 2012 and "taint" him by associating himself with the Clintons. Not that he doesn't have his own Chicago baggage that he is dragging along. It also ignores the fact that he is actually AHEAD in the delegate count. You have to admire the arrogance of the Clintons to even make the suggestion.

McCain needs to be pushing forward right now. Put his solutions out on the table every chance he gets. Grab the cameras and pull them over, then actually give them something of substance to report.

With all of this joint ticket talk from Hillary, I'm concerned that she's desperate. I'm concerned that her SS have gone out and haven't found enough dirt on Obama to make him look dirtier than her (granted, that would take quite a bit). I'm guessing that he is just going to laugh in her face, pull out his pocket watch and go back to hypnotising crowds while he steals their wallets. If he entertains the idea AT ALL it would mean that the SS dug up something REALLY big and REALLY stinky and it's got Obama's name all over it and they are using it as leverage to get him to take a back seat. But, I'm afraid that is probably not going to happen. For all intents and purposes, the Superdelegates are going to majoritively sign with Obama and Clinton will go back to being a Senator from NY.

If I was Howard "mean scream" Dean(head of the Dem Party), I would be pulling all of the Superdelegates together and tell them all that if they want to save the Dem party that they will all look at who won the most delegates and 'gently persuade' them all to vote unanimously behind that candidate. But then again, that would probably take Hillary to scratch together some humility and a smidgen of character to do what is best for her party... that won't happen.

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