Monday, March 3, 2008

Obama and Canada

First it was Pakistan, remember, Obama would go into Pakistan with or without the government's permission to get Osama if he had actionable intelligence.

Now it's Canada.

No, not invading Canada. NAFTA. Granted I've never been that big of fan of NAFTA, at least on the enforcement side, we seem to get the short end of the stick in most cases. As far as Canada is concerned, I'm not so sure that's the case. You see Canada has oil. Lots of it and they export a great deal of it to their friendly neighbors in the south. As part of NAFTA we have an agreement with them that they will not reduce their export of oil to us, unless they rationed it to all of their citizens. It's a good deal for us, especially with all of the crazies that are in charge of other oil reserves around the world.

Well, if we dropped or re-negotiated NAFTA, the Canadians have already indicated that the oil part is something they would like to dump (naturally).

In case you weren't one of the caffeinated political junkies watching the debate, Obama said that he wants to re-negotiate NAFTA, or pull out if Canada and Mexico are unwilling to discuss new terms.

Well, that obviously was a little surprising to our friends and Obama knew it. Of course he didn't want to come out FOR NAFTA in Ohio who has had a hard time with the treaty and what it has done to manufacturing jobs. So he did a little talking out of both sides of his mouth. He had one of his advisers in Illinois talk to the consulate and explain to them that he was just sucking up to the voters in Ohio and that he didn't mean it.

Nice eh?

Is this part of the CHANGE that Obama is going to bring? Because, quite frankly, we've had politicians lying to us for years, I'm not sure what's so new about that.

Update: Obama might want to have his advisers mention that his website is lying too. We would hate to confuse anybody.

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