Friday, March 14, 2008

The Budget Mess

This is a shining example of what is headed our way if we fail to get out and vote this November.

There are three very important things that have influenced me to absolutely support John McCain for president.

#1 He is BY FAR (as Romney would say the BIG DOG) the best qualified of the three remaining candidates to be our commander in chief.

#2 He has pledged to USE his veto pen and purge the PORK! ABOUT TIME!

#3 He has pledged to appoint constructionist judges on the order of John Roberts.

However, even if you choose not to vote for McCain (as some conservatives have pledged), you still need to get out and vote for conservative Senators and Representatives. Send a message that we are tired of the politicians using our tax dollars like it was free money.

The Liberal congress is already at it, striking down tax cuts that have boosted the economy. Granted our economy has some major problems right now, not because of tax cuts, but because of an attempt to micromanage the market.

What is going to happen now is that, as the market softens and corporate sales go down, they will have to cut back on their work force to cut costs. Then you throw on tax increases and what will happen... they can't just ABSORB this extra cost like it was nothing, they have to compensate for it some how. Higher prices(which is VERY tough in a soft market) and/or reduce costs (i.e. cut jobs).

This whole thing is a recipe for a disaster.

If you want to increase revenue to the federal government you CUT taxes rates. It gives people and companies more money to invest. Companies re-tool, expand, higher more workers and upgrade. More people have jobs and are getting taxed less, so they go out and buy the things they've been wanting. The whole things builds on itself. Tax revenue actually INCREASES because the market is healthier and people are buying more stuff and making more money. The revenue to the government DOUBLED in the 8 years that Reagan was president. Revenue to the feds was a RECORD amount last year. Of course our elected officials acted like they just won the lottery and handed it out like drunken pirates, but that's beside the point.

What congress REALLY needs to do right now is make the current tax cuts PERMANENT. Look for ways to cut taxes on companies who KEEP factories in the US, make it pointless for companies to move their head quarters off shore. Demand a 20% decrease in all federal government programs across the board (except the military). The president needs to smack the federal reserve in the head and put some different people in charge who will stop acting like the economy is their own little puppet show that they THINK they can control. Move out of the system and let the market run itself. Watch the dollar come back up. Yes, interest rates will also come back up but that will ENCOURAGE investment in American dollars (hello!). Demand responsibility and ACCOUNTABILITY from ALL Americans. Mortgages are PRIVATE contracts that the government has NO BUSINESS involving themselves in. If we don't take a market correction now and get our hands out of it, then we will be looking at an all out meltdown.

Wow... sorry, I didn't even have my french press coffee this morning. Just think if I had!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Honey-you are passionate-your Grandma Richey would be sooo proud!

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