Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Okay, just a mental note for everyone. If you are ever running for the presidency of the United States, it's usually a good idea if YOU think that YOU should BE the president. After all, if YOU don't think, act and talk that way, why on earth would anyone else vote for you, let alone give you money for a campaign.

Not bright.

Read it here.


Bill Curley said...

The story you cited makes a strong case for Fred to be elected President. He has little regard for the political press and for doing the same things every other candidate feels is necessary to win. He is quiet and decidedly understated. And is not bombastic. Maybe, though, his style is what this country needs to lead us. Eisenhower was very much the same & I personally liked him and his presidency. Dynamic action (which could be misdirected) is not always the key to long term success.

Anonymous said...

I say, "let's vote him in"!! He is a normal person. BTW, on the same page there wa a link to the little girl that has 4 arms and 4 legs-did you see that story?

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