Monday, November 12, 2007

Good weekend

We had the privilege yesterday to attend the kickoff of the new Unbreakable series at Sun Valley Community Church. The boards were breakin, the music was rockin' and the pastor was dead on target. Good stuff. We had the advantage of having three other families there that we knew, which is definitely a plus. We found SVCC to be very alive and very friendly. In our search for a church home SVCC is definitely on the short list.

Hunter commented that the teachers really seemed to communicate well with the kids. All of the kids were very involved and participated in the singing and the dancing... they were all really into it.

I love getting his take on the different churches and the things he observes. Very insightful seven year old.


Anonymous said...

That's my grandson!! I'm very glad you enjoyed the church!!

Marna said...

That's were Jake's teacher attends. She really likes it and has been there for a long time. Let us know how it works out.

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