Thursday, November 8, 2007

Too True

For those of you who don't live in the basement clutching your stapler, this strip is too true. I was discussing this very issue with one of our vendors yesterday. His biggest customer is Intel and they recently did a study and found out that it costs them $150 just to come up with a PO (purchase order). So just to be able to purchase something, it costs them $150. That's ridiculous! I know it can't be much cheaper here. The number of people involved in the process is outrageous. At the company I work for it takes no less than FIVE people to make purchases from one of our vendors. Sad. Very sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a little easier here-I tell the lady who does the ordering and she orders it-course, I haven't tried anything big, just ink and pens, but it has worked so far!

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