Monday, November 5, 2007

Pushing myself over the edge

Well, I didn't start the day off in a very good mood. Okay, it was pretty lame. So, I decided to push myself right off the edge and read Ted Rall's latest column.


Here is a quote:

We've lost our right to see an attorney, to confront our accusers, even to get a fair trial. Government agents have kidnapped thousands of people, many of whom have never been heard from again. Bush even signed an edict claiming the right to assassinate anyone, including you and me, based solely on his whims. Torture, the ultimate sign that civilized society has been replaced by a police state, was repeatedly authorized by government officials who smirked the few times reporters had the temerity to ask them about it.

If you would like to push yourself completely over the edge, you can read it here.

If you don't know who Ted Rall is, he is a sad, sad individual. The darkest day in modern history for Ted (other than the 2000 election) is the day that communism ended in the USSR and the USA became the lone superpower. Now, Ted's main objective in life is to make inflamatory statements with no evidence to back them up. I love columns like this though. I just wish ONE TIME they would site an actual case where any of this happened. Government agents have kidnapped THOUSANDS of people? Really? Name one. Bush signed an edict that allows him the right to assissinate American citizens? Really? Show me a copy of this edict, please.

Poor Ted.

Now I can't say that I am crazy about any of the Republican candidates at this point, or even that crazy about our current Republican president. I had high hopes for Fred, but... I don't know. I saw him on Meet the Press yesterday and was severely underwelmed. I think he is noise at this point. I won't be voting for Rudy in the primary. At this point I'm looking at Romney and Huckabee. Actually that sounds like a half way decent ticket right there.


The White Family said...

Just to let you know Keith, Romney is MORMON!

JonesGardenBlog said...

Yes he is.

Which means he has solid morals and principles.

Will I go to church with him. Nope. Does that have anything to do with running the country? Nope.

FYI, Rudy is a lapsed catholic, Thompson is agnostic and Hillary worships power... pick your poison.

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