Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Glimpse inside the life of a heavily caffeinated geek

It's called a coffee or french press and it makes the most wondefully rich, yet smooth, not bitter cup of coffee you can imagine. I love it. I don't even drink brewed coffee anymore. The only problem is that with this particular press, the speed that you push the plunger down is critical. Too fast and you are chewing instead of drinking.

I've found that my stapler is just the right weight to push the plunger down at the perfect speed.

BTW this is the clean part of my desk. :)


Bill Curley said...

Interesting concept about coffee making. What is a coffee press? I thought that I had had every type of coffee except for chewing it.

Anonymous said...

I love my french press-even though it is a cheapo-it still works good. Rich dark smooth coffee-yum!!

Anonymous said...

BTW, you are one of my very favorite "heavily caffinated geeks"!!

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