Wednesday, November 7, 2007

He's a lot better than the last one...

It's really amazing how things change. When good 'ol Chirac was in power in France, all of the french hated us. Now that Sarkozy is in power, there is at least one french guy who doesn't hate us. That's progress :)

Seriously though, I do find it encouraging that at least a few of the countries in the world who have been drowning in liberal/socialist policies for decades are starting to see the fruits of their decisions and mend their ways. Sarkozy is a great example of this. It's great to see a (more) conservative mind behind the wheel in France.

Unfortunately it seems that most people have to go through painful experiences before they learn the ills of socialism. Makes you kind of wonder why all of the top Dem contenders are so hot to adopt that mindset.

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