Thursday, November 15, 2007


I keep coming back to Fred. The more I research issues, the more he comes up consistently on the right side. I'm linking to his blog as one of the pages I keep up with.

I've been reading about Romney's solution for health care in Massachusetts from guys who actually live there and there are some things that are very concerning.

The right answer of course is that health care is NOT the responsibility of the government. Sorry. If YOUR health care and the health care of your family is important to you, then you should be either A) budgeting your money to pay for it, or B) finding a job that values you enough that they will kick in. Since when did it become the responsibility of the government to take care of my bumps, bruises, coughs, sniffles and infections?

More importantly people should be asking how they can solve their own problems. There use to be a time in this country where people would see a "problem" as an "opportunity".

Why should health care be any different? People need to stop looking to the government to make their lives better. That's not the purpose, design, or intent of the government. The government is there to protect us. To promote and defend the rule of law. To establish and support a federal currency and to keep government, federal and state from taking away the rights of the citizens.

It is not the government's job to feed us, cloth us, make sure that we have health check ups, or to guarantee that we see our piece of the American Dream. Their job is to stay out of the way so that you can go after it if you want it.

1 comment:

Bill Curley said...

The Government (both Federal and State) have been meddling in people's affairs since the event known as the Great Depression. Most of what it has done has been to protect its own infrastructure. It is time to stop the advance of Socialism and return to a less intrusive way of living. Even if it means giving up some of the perks! The two men that you mentioned recently appear to be right for the task.

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