If it is cold where you live, just stop for a minute and think that it is perfect in AZ. High 80, Low 56. Should be 6 months of perfect weather.
Inside my giant head (size 8).
If it is cold where you live, just stop for a minute and think that it is perfect in AZ. High 80, Low 56. Should be 6 months of perfect weather.
Posted by
6:39 AM
Anything above 0ยบ is warm.
Turkey!! Yes, but you never have the changing of the seasons where you see God's incredible paint brush of colors. There are good and bad to every place. Believe it or not there are more seasons than summer, summer, summer and Christmas! Not really being a winter person, myself, I would love to escape from December to mid March and then run back to Ky to watch God wake up the earth, as he has for 4K or 5K years-it is new everytime and you can see His majesty adorned in colors that man can not match even with our computers. And if you have never been to Smoky Mountain National Park when the trees are peaking in the fall-you just can not imagine the beauty. God is so awesome and I love seeing all of it. So, I guess until I retire, I will bear out the winter and look forward to spring in God's country!
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