Thursday, November 29, 2007

Debate last night

I know all of you had to be glued to the TV last night for the two hour debate on CNN. Fortunately I was too. Surprisingly enough this was the first debate that I have actually watched and I must say that I was not dissappointed. It was a good debate and you saw the plus and minuses of most of the candidates. However, there are some things that need to be observed.

Number one the questions were supposed to be from undecided Republicans, although at least three of the questioners have already been exposed THIS MORNING as openly supporting DEMOCRATIC candidates. I think that CNN needs to up their game. I find it amazing that some diligent bloggers can discover (before the debate was even OVER) that some of these guys are dem plants and CNN couldn't in their days or weeks of planning. The dinosaur media needs to realize that if they want to play this game and not be totally embarassed then they better be as good or better with the NEW media as they are the OLD media.

Secondly I thought that a couple of the candidates did particularly poorly. Romney I thought came off very political... very snake oil salesmanish. I thought he got plugged hard on a couple of questions and I thought the bickering between he and Guiliani hurt them both. Rudy also got hammered on issues where he is week. Rudy is not a conservative at all and I think that was VERY apparent last night. I thought Duncan Hunter did well and I thought Huckabee was great, although he did not get the air time that I thought he should.

Thirdly I though they gave an UNREASONABLE amount of air time to Ron Paul. The guy's a kook. He's not a conservative, he's a libertarian and everyone knows he's kooky, so STOP directing questions to him just because he is the ONLY Republican candidate who would immediately withdraw the troops. Along with support for Israel and any other foreign country. Disband the CIA, IRS(not a bad idea), the Department of Homeland Security, most of the State Department and leave the country in... well chaos. I still cannot figure out why they gave him so much time. Strange.

In all, I had a blast. I know, I'm sick, but I LOVE watching this stuff.

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