Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama puts foot in mouth... all the way up to his thigh

If you pay attention to the news today you are probably going to see headlines about Obama calling Sara Palin a pig. Well, watch below and see what you think.

I really don't think that Obama is dumb enough to be referring to Palin, despite my first reaction and the first reaction of everyone I mentioned this comment to. I'm sure the crowd at the event was drawing the same parallels as well given their reaction. But I don't believe that it was intentional. I DO believe, however, that this is what happens when Obama is off of the prompter.

Open mouth and insert foot, in this case all the way up to his thigh.

He's kind of like the Democratic version of Dan Quayle. With fewer accomplishments.

*****Update: Obama responded today and called this whole thing ridiculous (I agree), but I love his quote:

"These are serious times and they call for a serious debate...spare me all the
phony outrage. Spare me all the phony talk about change."

Amen! Spare us all your phony talk about change and don't lie to us about your desire to debate. You've shot down every offer from McCain to debate! Let's see what happens when you can't duck anymore.


Anonymous said...

I hate to spoil your fun, but EVERY politician in modern times uses a teleprompter.

Obama was calling Palin a pig about as much as McCain was calling Hillary one when he said THE EXACT SAME THING 6 months ago.

This is just another case of media bias and hype playing its self-important role in the American political process.

JonesGardenBlog said...

All of them use teleprompters, but not all of them have to be glued to them at all times in order to put coherent sentences together. There is a huge difference between Obama and the others on this one. Biden for one can talk (literally) for hours without one.

I just think he should have chosen his words more carefully so that this wasn't seen as a hit on Palin. The words he chose inspired the reaction. If he would have used virtually ANY other analogy he would have been fine.

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