Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hmmm... imagine this.

You are thrust onto the national stage and immediately ridiculed and beat up. Your family and family issues are dragged through the mud, all the way back to the DUI that your husband got 22 years ago. Reporters and editors have been saying everything from you being a bad mom to you being inexperienced and unprepared for the job you've been nominated to.

Then you get out on stage in front of a rowdy and excited crowd for a long speech that will be beamed into the homes of millions of anxious Americans.

Your first test.

Your first real moments in the spot light.

You start delivering the speech and it is being well received, people are cheering... and cheering... and cheering... and the whole time your speech scolls by on the teleprompter and you have no "back up" button, no way for it to come back... what would you do?

Well, if you are Sarah Palin and the next Vice President of the United States you go from memory, smile, and deliver that speech like NO ONE ELSE could have.

Are you impressed now?

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