Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My wife ROCKS!!!

When we started going to SSCC, Brandi really missed being on the praise team during worship. She especially missed being on the praise team with her sister. But for the last couple of months we have been helping out with the kid’s large group. She helps out leading worship and I do storytelling. This has been challenging but a lot of fun.

This last weekend she had to lead the kids in a song by the David Crowder Band called No One Like You. First of all Brandi isn’t a rocker, she likes crooners and country music. Second, she’s a high soprano. She was freaking out about singing this song. More than any other one she struggled with the words and was just very uncomfortable. She was stressing.

But before she started the first small group she just prayed that God would work everything out. She put herself out there and it was AMAZING!! The kids were so into it and they were doing some serious rocking out in praise to God. She had them get the air guitar and air drums going; it was so awesome!!! I was very impressed. I know what an amazing person, mother, wife, singer, Christian, and over all incredible woman that my wife is, but I have to say that I was blown away this last Sunday.

She gives all of the credit to God, as she should, after all, he was the one who made this incredible woman.

Rock on, baby!

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