Monday, September 1, 2008

A new message about Caridee this morning

I received an email from Chris this morning about Caridee. It is all very positive. She seems to be urinating a healthy amount now and she has been moved to the intermediate ICU and a step closer to going home! The doctors anticipate that it will still be 2-7 before she leaves the hospital, but things are definitely looking better. Here is an excerpt from Chris' email. Praise God and keep praying!

She is so much more in tune with her surroundings, looking around, and just taking in life one breath at a time. We can tell she is feeling better. It is so neat to look into her eyes and see God's miracle in our hands. If you remember, the doctors only gave Caridee a 5% chance of even making it to delivery, but God had other plans,
and we know with Him anything is possible... We just have to have faith and ask. And that is where you come in, at times Heather and I were down, and that is why it is so important to have a church family, close friends, and family like you to encourage us and help us through these trials.


The White Family said...

What a previous little angel! Our prayers continue to be with Heather and Chris. God Bless

kristen said...

She is gorgeous. We are still praying for her!!!


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