Monday, September 29, 2008

Catching up

There is just a lot going on in life. Work. Church. Politics (several ughs here).

Saturday we had another baseball game. It went great. Both of the boys batted a thousand. We had the snacks. Gatorade and granola bars. I remember when I was a kid it was always soda. I always liked when someone brought the cheap grocery store soda, because there always seemed to be a cream soda in there. I love cream soda.

I finished one book and started another one. I've been reading a lot more lately. Not in long spurts because there is just too much going on, but I am able to get through a few pages here and there.

I went out this morning and worked on the yard. The front had quite a few weeds and I received a notice from the lovely home owner's association. You gotta love that.

Right now I'm watching Goochy and GB. The Gooch is driving me crazy and GB is refusing to take a nap. Brandi has a chiropractic appoitnment followed by an appointment with the accupuncturist. Somewhere in between she is taking the boys to school and reserving the park for GB's birthday party.

I'm working on drafting a letter to my current employer so that they can give me the thumbs up to start a consulting gig on the side. It should be a good deal, if I can get it going. It would help a lot and may be a good long term solution. Hopefully it is one step closer to my goal of working from home. The only obstacle at this point is that there is a clause in the Code of Business Conduct that says you cannot have a second job working for a customer, competitor or supplier. Considering we sold enough parts last year so that everyone in the world could have five of our devices, it is kind of difficult to find companies that don't fall into one of those categories. That means I need VP approval. I hope that doesn't mean I have to draft a new letter for every company I try and consult with. That could be a little tedious.

Like I said, there is just a lot going on.

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