Monday, September 8, 2008

This is more telling for entirely different reasons

I like this video for several reasons, none of which have anything to do with Obama saying that he has a "Muslim faith". Watch and then read.

A couple things here. Number one I'm really proud of George Stephanapoulos. This was actually some decent interviewing. He wasn't letting Obama up about this and he was really hammering him on it. Not about having Muslim faith, but about accusing McCain of bringing up Obama's religion (black liberation theology). McCain has been very above board on this. He has attacked Obama's positions and lack of experience, but not his radical, America hating, racist pastor. The second thing that I find very interesting is that once again Obama doesn't do well when he has to speak off the cuff. He's flustered like usual, but there is something else in this interview. He's frustrated. I think he sees the whole thing slipping away and he can't get it back. I think he also knows that his real problems are about to start with the debates. I think he is also doubting his decision not to at least ASK Hillary to be his VP. Most importantly I hope he is second guessing his decision to run right now before he could really establish any kind of record or accomplishments.

I think he's on the ropes and the polls aren't looking good.

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