Friday, September 26, 2008

Man, they didn't even get off the stage and it was going up already

As I pointed out earlier, Obama kept saying that McCain was right... well the campaign video creators noticed it to. So as the debate was ENDING, this video went up.

Nice reaction time, guys.


Anonymous said...

Just goes to show you that ANYONE can take ANYTHING out of context and make it say WHATEVER they want. Here is another perspective:

So Team McCain might actually have helped Obama by mounting obviously misleading post-debate attack ads. They showed Obama appearing to agree with McCain on point after point. In fact, each of Obama's alleged concessions was a setup for a sharp rebuke of McCain's position. But Obama's rebukes were edited out.

Viewers of Stephen Colbert's "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central should be familiar with this technique of distorting someone's remarks through digital editing. But Colbert does it as a joke. The McCain campaign is trying to be serious. Their desperation is showing.

(from a column I read today)

JonesGardenBlog said...

Well, I don't know if it helped Obama or not. I would say if anything it put dents in the Obama facade. The fact is that Obama didn't tank. He spoke well, without a prompter and that made a big difference. He also made his few specific points of the night early on and they were on the economy, which is naturally the hot button issue.

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