Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The first thing that the talking heads started saying when McCain picked Palin was that she was very inexperienced and that by picking her McCain had taken the experience issue out of the race. I find this quite amusing. The more amusing thing is that Obama is getting questioned about whether he has more or less experience than Palin and his answer is REALLY amusing.

“My understanding is that Gov. Palin’s town, Wassilla, has I think 50 employees.
We've got 2500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe 12 million
dollars a year – we have a budget of about three times that just for the month,”
Obama responded.

That’s classic. Evidently running for president is Obama’s strongest example of the experience that he needs to BE the president. Now, maybe the Obama camp is different (NOT) than any other campaign I have ever heard or read about but usually the candidate is not the one running the campaign. That’s what campaign managers are for. The candidates have to focus on their speeches, their delivery, how to connect with the audience, come up to speed on current national and local issues so that they can speak intelligently about them. From his own defense, Obama’s campaign manager is better qualified to be president than he is! Ouch.

Also notice that he went back to her time as mayor for the comparison versus her time as governor. For an apples to apples comparison wouldn't he have to reference his time as an IL State Senator. I guess when he crunched the numbers of his campaign vs. her time as governor of Alaska, they didn't fall so well in his favor.

That’s not even addressing the HUGE, OBVIOUS point that he is having to defend his experience against the VP selection of his opponent. Of course, he isn’t running against the VP selection of McCain, he’s running against McCain.

I think this whole thing really takes Obama down a notch… or four.

I’ve never been a big McCain fan, but I have to hand it to the guy. Old or not, he has shown himself to be one BRILLIANT politician through this campaign.

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