Friday, September 19, 2008


I almost feel like I’m passing on spam mail through my blog, but… Nick tagged me and it’s a slow morning, so.... Here are the rules:

1. Post these rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 6 people at the end of you post (I’m making this optional to relieve any guilt, including my own for continuing this).
4. If you get tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag.
5. If you don’t do it, I will be crushed emotionally and will probably never recover from the rejection. Okay, maybe I will.

Here are my six random things:
1. I relate strongly to the movie Office Space. I work in the basement. I clutch my stapler and mumble incoherently. It’s not the red Swingline model, my company is too cheap for that. It’s tan colored and has somebody else’s name written on a piece of paper and tapped to the bottom. I guess they didn’t clutch it closely enough. Seriously.

2. I’m a pen freak. Not like, hey this is my favorite pen, it goes much deeper. I have multiple pens sitting on my desk because they are different thicknesses and I like them at different times for writing on different kinds of paper. I always have one in my shirt. Don’t ask to borrow it. If you do, I’ll let you, but I will also anxiously follow you around biting my fingernails until you give it back. I do this to my kids all of the time. I also tell them that they can’t ‘color’ with my pens, it ruins the tip. Sad and strange, but true.
3. I really WANT to be organized. But it’s not in my nature. My desk is a perfect example.

4. I go through denial every week the night before I have to work. I tell myself that if I don’t go to bed, I won’t have to get up and go to work. So I stay up late and then I’m exhausted the rest of the week. Stupid, I know.
5. I use to be a pretty decent piano player. Not so much these days. I kind of miss it sometimes.
6. I feel like the king of the world when my kids look at me admiringly, give me a hug, and tell me they love me. I treasure those moments.

I tag (in no particular order) Charlie, Kristen, Faith (must be enforced by Kristen to get her blogging again), Oh let’s go ahead and drag Bill C into this, I’m sure he’s got some interesting stuff, and Mike (although you may have to wait until Innovate08 is over).


Bill Curley said...

See my entry. Thank you for including me, I am honored.

Anonymous said...

You have a job!!?? I thought you just sat around all day writing neo-con blogs and antagonizing mine!

Hmph, who knew!?

JonesGardenBlog said...

very clever, nick.

I know, strange, but true.

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