Interesting poll about mental health... confirming that Democrats are NUTS!!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Best quotes from last night
And so, I have to tell you that like most Americans, we love our sports teams and we hate the Yankees.
Huckabee (after a very good answer on the death penalty concerning what would Jesus do):
Jesus was too smart to ever run for public office...
Posted by
12:23 PM
Labels: quote
Debate last night
I know all of you had to be glued to the TV last night for the two hour debate on CNN. Fortunately I was too. Surprisingly enough this was the first debate that I have actually watched and I must say that I was not dissappointed. It was a good debate and you saw the plus and minuses of most of the candidates. However, there are some things that need to be observed.
Number one the questions were supposed to be from undecided Republicans, although at least three of the questioners have already been exposed THIS MORNING as openly supporting DEMOCRATIC candidates. I think that CNN needs to up their game. I find it amazing that some diligent bloggers can discover (before the debate was even OVER) that some of these guys are dem plants and CNN couldn't in their days or weeks of planning. The dinosaur media needs to realize that if they want to play this game and not be totally embarassed then they better be as good or better with the NEW media as they are the OLD media.
Secondly I thought that a couple of the candidates did particularly poorly. Romney I thought came off very political... very snake oil salesmanish. I thought he got plugged hard on a couple of questions and I thought the bickering between he and Guiliani hurt them both. Rudy also got hammered on issues where he is week. Rudy is not a conservative at all and I think that was VERY apparent last night. I thought Duncan Hunter did well and I thought Huckabee was great, although he did not get the air time that I thought he should.
Thirdly I though they gave an UNREASONABLE amount of air time to Ron Paul. The guy's a kook. He's not a conservative, he's a libertarian and everyone knows he's kooky, so STOP directing questions to him just because he is the ONLY Republican candidate who would immediately withdraw the troops. Along with support for Israel and any other foreign country. Disband the CIA, IRS(not a bad idea), the Department of Homeland Security, most of the State Department and leave the country in... well chaos. I still cannot figure out why they gave him so much time. Strange.
In all, I had a blast. I know, I'm sick, but I LOVE watching this stuff.
Posted by
7:49 AM
Labels: debate
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Here he comes to save(?) the day
Number one, he loves this stuff and I do mean loves it. Not because he thinks he is helping his wife, but because he LOVES to be center stage. It's all about him. Check out this article.
There are a group of very strange, very ignorant people that buy this stuff. He bites his lip and puts his fist up and people take it hook, line, and sinker. He is a liar. A very talented and charismatic liar.
Unfortunately as she (who's running again?) falls behind in the polls, you will see this character come out more and more. He'll be stumping more at the events that she does. Count on it.
Posted by
10:10 AM
Labels: Clintons
Just one more reason
Just one more reason to say an emphatic "NO" to another Clinton term.
Nuff said.
Posted by
8:12 AM
Labels: stupid people
"Every problem contains the seeds of its own solution." - Stanley Arnold
Posted by
7:52 AM
Labels: quote
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The latest one
Posted by
12:51 PM
The state knows best
Just one more thing to tell parents that the state knows better than you do how to discipline your kids.
Anyone who knows me, knows that we got a spankin' spoon in our house and some children, more than others, regularly earn a whoopin' and receive it. Corporal punishment is just one of the many tools at a parent's disposal to find a way to discipline (meaning teach) their children.
Whether you think it is the right way for your kid or the wrong way, quite frankly it is not the job of the government to tell me how to discipline my children. That's my job.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's about incrementally taking away the rights of the citizens because after all, you're just a bunch of idiots and the highly educated elite liberals (read close minded morons) have to tell you how to live your life... and parent your children.
Posted by
12:39 PM
Labels: big government
Classic... you are all getting one for Christmas :)
Posted by
7:37 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Would you?
You have to read the story.
Quite honestly I don't know. I would like to think I COULD do something like that if I needed to, but... ouch.
Kind of brings back memories of this movie that NOBODY watched called Rhinestone Cowboy with Sylvester Stallone.
"I begged her not to plow the fields that day, there was blood on the corn and brains on the hay!"
Guess you had to be there. BTW, I DON'T recommend the movie.
Posted by
3:01 PM
Labels: farm accident
You've GOT to be kidding me
I will be the first one to admit that I think that sword swallowers can be fairly entertaining. There is a guy that goes to the Renaissance Fair in the east valley every year who is pretty good. If nothing else he can make something that's really disgusting, be mildly amusing.
But a jack hammer!? Come on people.
In order to set a Guinness record this guy put a good chunk of a jack hammer down his throat and then... oh yes, here it comes... turned it on for five seconds.
What kind of moronic record is this? What on earth would that do to your head, let alone your vocal cords?
Posted by
2:49 PM
If you listened to all of the democratic debates, first of all let me extend my sympathies and a bottle of TUMS. But during that time you have no doubt heard former Senator Edwards go on about the 35 million people in this country who go hungry.
First of all there are only 301 million people living in the US. That would mean that 11.6% of the country is going hungry. Look around you. Are one out of every 10 people you know looking malnurished? Okay, out of 10 people you know, how many would you say are even THIN? Easily 6/10 people I know are FAT! and I'm one of them!
The numbers are COMPLETELY being skewed and intentionally distorted.
Read this article to get an idea of where the numbers came from and what they really mean.
After all if 35 million Americans were starving, why doesn't JE just invite them over for dinner, from the looks of it he could feed most of them. Turn his new mansion into a 28000 square foot soup kitchen. :)
Posted by
2:22 PM
Labels: Edwards
Okay this is what a real power hungry wannabe dicatator looks like
Posted by
1:48 PM
A favor, if you have a minute
While I really do enjoy the fact that I get to stay up on the news and politics and such, the fact that I have THIS much free time at a job is very concerning and even stressful. For those of you who don't know, I changed jobs about a year ago and came back to the land of ON, thinking that this was a stable and thriving company and a less stressful position than I had been in at MDT. Well, that has been very true for the past year. ON has been doing well as a company and the position I'm in has been entertaining, laid back and MUCH less stressful. Until last August when we were told that our lab would be parted out to the labs in Seremban and Carmona. This was bad news.
However, I always know that God is looking out for my family and I, so I wasn't too surprised when the director pulled me aside and mentioned that they were looking to move me into a different position after the shutdown. It didn't sound like the best job, but hey, it was a job. Well the director had his last day here about two weeks ago. The last thing he said to me was, "get it in writing." Not exactly the words of encouragement that I wanted to hear.
Now I'm in a bit of a struggle here. Okay, I'm pretty stressed. Do I ride this boat out, hoping that the job they say they have for me is here, whether I like it or not? Or do I jump ship now into one of a couple of other engineering opportunities?
To complicate things further, I REALLY (in a gut wrenching kind of way) dread starting another engineering job. I don't like it. At all. Don't get me wrong, the pay is great and I feel really blessed that I've been able to support my family. But I don't like engineering. I never have. It stinks. I would love to do something else, but I have no idea what.
So... here comes the favor, if you have a minute. Pray for me and my family(because they have to deal with my stress) that God will show me what to do. More importantly that I will see what he has created me for and will have an opportunity to pursue it.
That's it. Thanks for listening/reading.
Posted by
9:04 AM
Labels: prayer request
At it again
Furtick is all over it with some good advice.
If only it was followed A LOT more often.
Posted by
8:20 AM
Labels: furtick
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I couldn't agree more
These guys have the right idea. Laws don't stop criminals, they only stop people who will obey them.
So don't make laws/rules that cripple the good guys, but do nothing to stop the bad guys.
Check it out.
Posted by
9:30 AM
Labels: concealed weapons, guns
How messed up is it?
Pretty messed up.
These guys need to be lined up and pushed off the Golden Gate. Sorry that was violent, I know. Appropriate, but violent. These guys are ridiculous. It's amazing. When Rudy was mayor of NYC everyone saw the AMAZING transformation for the city. He focused on cleaning everything up. People said, why arrest the prostitutes, it's no big deal, but Rudy saw the real affect that the acceptance of crime and degradation was having on the city. Too bad the libs in SF aren't bright enough to open their eyes.
Posted by
8:41 AM
Labels: San Francisco
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I'll pass
Posted by
7:36 AM
Labels: food
Monday, November 19, 2007
Awesome stuff.
Awesome God.
Amazing results.
Read about Elevation Church and what happened when they put God first and made their capital campaign all about what God can do. Inspiring.
Posted by
9:11 AM
Labels: inspiring
Elections Matter
I know a lot of people take the tack that elections don't really matter, I mean why vote at all? It's not like your ONE vote is going to make a difference.
Of course the truth is that it could and does make all of the difference.
The liberals in this country know that votes matter (whether they are real or not :) They want nothing more than to take us down the road that our European friends have been trudging through for years now. Further and further down the septic slope to socialism. Big brother knows best.
For a glimpse of where this will take us, check out this story from Germany.
This begs the question about our own school system. As I previously blogged about there are parents in this country facing fines and possible imprisonment for not vaccinating their kids.
The whole process is incremental.
No body thinks that one day the government will be placing smoke detectors in your home, not for your protection but to check for cigarette smoke so that they can fine you, put you in a government anti-smoking program, take your kids into foster care and repeal your government health coverage.
I know, I'm paranoid. I mean it's not like the government would use or expand the roll of cameras and monitors for law enforcement. It's not like they would prohibit smoking in your OWN home. It's not like they would be able to control whether or not we were able to receive healthcare. The government can't really take your kids away.
Paranoid, I know.
Posted by
8:44 AM
Labels: big government
Kinda campy, but it comes off pretty good
Add from Huckchuck. You gotta watch at least once. If nothing else, the guy has a sense of humor... and Chuck Norris to back him up.
Posted by
7:30 AM
Labels: huckabee
Japanese Gameshows
This has nothing to do with politics, although I did find it on the Five Brothers blog.
I have no idea what they are saying, but it's just funny. I don't know why.
Posted by
7:25 AM
Labels: Funny
Good post from Fred about the UN
Right now I'm still leaning Huckabee, but I haven't even had my morning coffee yet, so a lot of things could change. :)
But in the meantime I am staying up on the candidates and what they think and say. Fred, like several of the GOP candidates is at best distrustful of the UN, for good reason. This article on control of the internet is great.
Posted by
6:56 AM
Labels: Fred Thompson, UN
Nice, very nice, can I get one of these on my car?
Posted by
6:39 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Great post from Pastor Furtick today
Posted by
7:51 AM
Labels: furtick, inspiring, other blogs
Good grief
I'm really having a hard time here, for a number of reasons. I've been seriously researching the GOP candidates the last couple of days (it's been a slow week at work, you should see my desk, it's actually clean). I like a lot of what Thompson says, but he's pretty luke warm on almost everything.
From a socially conservative standpoint, Thompson is a more recent and not as ardent proponent of prolife. According to his Meet the Press interview that I watched his change of heart came when he watch the ultrasound of his child. While he is an older man, with older children, the sonagram he is talking about is actually of his newest child who is very young.
Huckabee on the other hand gets great marks on the social conservative platform and more importantly has a general concern and belief in the innate value of human life. As an ordained Baptist minister this is part of his core beliefs, so naturally he comes across much more convincing and articulate about his point.
Because of the MORAL NATURE of the social vs. fiscal conservativism, I've been starting to lean more toward Huckabee. His fiscal conservative reviews (see clubforgrowth website that is under political blogs) really weren't good and with the dollar losing value against almost every other major currency, gold prices skyrocketing and the stock market taking a serious beating this is a serious and legitimate concern. I was REALLY encouraged to listen to this interview in which he states that he would really like to see a fair or consumption tax and explains his balanced budget approach, which on the federal level needs to start with some serious fiscal discipline. And the BEAUTY of the whole interview is that he is VERY easy to listen to and very articulate. He is determined in his views because they are based on solid principles and beliefs and you ACTUALLY BELIEVE the guy when he is talking.
I don't know. Right now I'm thinking I like Huckabee.
Posted by
7:35 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I keep coming back to Fred. The more I research issues, the more he comes up consistently on the right side. I'm linking to his blog as one of the pages I keep up with.
I've been reading about Romney's solution for health care in Massachusetts from guys who actually live there and there are some things that are very concerning.
The right answer of course is that health care is NOT the responsibility of the government. Sorry. If YOUR health care and the health care of your family is important to you, then you should be either A) budgeting your money to pay for it, or B) finding a job that values you enough that they will kick in. Since when did it become the responsibility of the government to take care of my bumps, bruises, coughs, sniffles and infections?
More importantly people should be asking how they can solve their own problems. There use to be a time in this country where people would see a "problem" as an "opportunity".
Why should health care be any different? People need to stop looking to the government to make their lives better. That's not the purpose, design, or intent of the government. The government is there to protect us. To promote and defend the rule of law. To establish and support a federal currency and to keep government, federal and state from taking away the rights of the citizens.
It is not the government's job to feed us, cloth us, make sure that we have health check ups, or to guarantee that we see our piece of the American Dream. Their job is to stay out of the way so that you can go after it if you want it.
Posted by
1:36 PM
Labels: big government, Fred Thompson, health care
Kookie, but not all bad
Posted by
7:15 AM
Labels: big government, election, Ron Paul
More good stuff from Michael
If you want to know what is going on in Iraq, you gotta read it from someone who has been there, who is there and can see the difference between what WAS and what IS.
This post is a particularly good look at the young men representing our country. Let me just say we are well represented.
This is what journalism SHOULD be.
Posted by
7:03 AM
Labels: Iraq, journalism
Powerful quote
"Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes" - Kenneth Hildebrand
Posted by
6:49 AM
Labels: quote
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Here comes big brother again...
The funny/sad/horrific thing is that the same people who would say that the school board and justice system are doing the right thing, say that Bush is invading our privacy by tapping the phone of terrorists making calls to other known terrorists.
I know, you have no idea what I am talking about. Read this. Then come back.
When you hear liberals yelling at you for doing something outrageous, like creating a fascist state or an Orwellian government, you have to watch and see what they are doing because chances are that's exactly what THEY are up to. Don't want to vaccinate you kid, hey we'll take them away from you and put you in jail. Don't want to test your kid for rare diseases, we'll rip them right out of your arms. The liberal mantra is that they know what is better for you than you do. They know how to raise you kids better than you do. It is based on an elitist mentality that says the masses are too stupid to make their own decision.
Okay, I'll step down from my soap box now.
Posted by
1:09 PM
Labels: big government, education
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Glimpse inside the life of a heavily caffeinated geek
It's called a coffee or french press and it makes the most wondefully rich, yet smooth, not bitter cup of coffee you can imagine. I love it. I don't even drink brewed coffee anymore. The only problem is that with this particular press, the speed that you push the plunger down is critical. Too fast and you are chewing instead of drinking.
I've found that my stapler is just the right weight to push the plunger down at the perfect speed.
BTW this is the clean part of my desk. :)
Posted by
9:35 PM
Labels: coffee
Posted by
2:19 PM
Labels: boder enforcement, Tancredo
PC - police reports?
Come on now. Really. This is just ridiculous. How on EARTH is it racist to say that a rape suspect is hispanic or black or caucasian?
Why is it that our society is willing to completely change the way we do EVERYTHING just to coddle people in their own sensetivities and insecurities?
Few topics make me as irritated as this.
Posted by
6:51 AM
Labels: political correctness
the Dilbert Blog
What happens when a sarcastic former employee of the techno-computer geek world not only spends most of his time drawing cartoons, managing a restaurant and blogging? Well, you get some pretty interesting posts.
I'm adding it to my normal reads.
The Dilbert Blog.
Posted by
6:28 AM
Labels: Dilbert, other blogs
Monday, November 12, 2007
Feeling presidential?
Posted by
9:38 AM
Good weekend
We had the privilege yesterday to attend the kickoff of the new Unbreakable series at Sun Valley Community Church. The boards were breakin, the music was rockin' and the pastor was dead on target. Good stuff. We had the advantage of having three other families there that we knew, which is definitely a plus. We found SVCC to be very alive and very friendly. In our search for a church home SVCC is definitely on the short list.
Hunter commented that the teachers really seemed to communicate well with the kids. All of the kids were very involved and participated in the singing and the dancing... they were all really into it.
I love getting his take on the different churches and the things he observes. Very insightful seven year old.
Posted by
6:58 AM
Customer service
Posted by
6:50 AM
Interesting Review of His Dark Materials Trilogy
There has been a ton of email traffic and publicity over the Golden Compass and a really lame author. But I found this review from a kid particularly interesting.
Personally, I'm all done talking about it or mentioning it.
Posted by
6:46 AM
Labels: other blogs
Why we live here
If it is cold where you live, just stop for a minute and think that it is perfect in AZ. High 80, Low 56. Should be 6 months of perfect weather.
Posted by
6:39 AM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Another homer!
Pastor Furtick is all over it today.
Check out the post.
Right on the money.
Posted by
11:37 AM
Labels: furtick
Education and Fascism
If you ever listen to talk radio (and of course who doesn't), then you probably listen to Rush Limbaugh during the lunch hours. However, if you aren't a fan of the most listened to show in the history of radio, then you might enjoy another show by a host named Dennis Prager. While Rush is all politics virtually all of the time, Dennis is much more of a deep thinker. His show delves into religion, philosophy and the deep issues. Very entertaining and an almost hypnotic voice. He also has a regular column at
I found his latest column very interesting discussing the inverse relationship between education and morality. Fascinating stuff.
Posted by
9:32 AM
I would love to go here someday, but...
Posted by
7:05 AM
Labels: nature, yellowstone
Friday morning ritual
Posted by
6:56 AM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Gee thanks, Flipper!
HUGE sign of progress
If this isn't one of the BIGGEST signs of IMMENSE and UNDENIABLE progress in Iraq, I don't know what is.
It's largely been unreported, but the few groups in Iraq have suffered like the Christians who live there. The fact that this church was reopened with help from Christians and Muslims is huge.
A country is really free, not when all signs of God and religion have been removed, but when people have the ability to worship God freely and with rejoicing.
Posted by
7:00 AM
Too True
For those of you who don't live in the basement clutching your stapler, this strip is too true. I was discussing this very issue with one of our vendors yesterday. His biggest customer is Intel and they recently did a study and found out that it costs them $150 just to come up with a PO (purchase order). So just to be able to purchase something, it costs them $150. That's ridiculous! I know it can't be much cheaper here. The number of people involved in the process is outrageous. At the company I work for it takes no less than FIVE people to make purchases from one of our vendors. Sad. Very sad.
Posted by
6:53 AM
Labels: Dilbert, Engineering
This is what I've been waiting to hear!!!
Posted by
6:35 AM
Labels: losing weight, something like that
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Raining cats and dogs... that's nothin!
There were just way to many jokes that could come from this one.
Really, to me, it's justification for why these things deserve to be eaten. Look it's a cow lemming!
I wonder if that's covered by insurance...
Posted by
8:53 AM
Labels: Funny, something like that, weirdness
He's a lot better than the last one...
Posted by
6:54 AM
GREAT quote
"The reason worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work." - Robert Frost
Posted by
6:46 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Okay, just a mental note for everyone. If you are ever running for the presidency of the United States, it's usually a good idea if YOU think that YOU should BE the president. After all, if YOU don't think, act and talk that way, why on earth would anyone else vote for you, let alone give you money for a campaign.
Not bright.
Read it here.
Posted by
6:38 AM
Labels: Fred Thompson, weirdness
Monday, November 5, 2007
Pushing myself over the edge
Well, I didn't start the day off in a very good mood. Okay, it was pretty lame. So, I decided to push myself right off the edge and read Ted Rall's latest column.
Here is a quote:
We've lost our right to see an attorney, to confront our accusers, even to get a fair trial. Government agents have kidnapped thousands of people, many of whom have never been heard from again. Bush even signed an edict claiming the right to assassinate anyone, including you and me, based solely on his whims. Torture, the ultimate sign that civilized society has been replaced by a police state, was repeatedly authorized by government officials who smirked the few times reporters had the temerity to ask them about it.
If you would like to push yourself completely over the edge, you can read it here.
If you don't know who Ted Rall is, he is a sad, sad individual. The darkest day in modern history for Ted (other than the 2000 election) is the day that communism ended in the USSR and the USA became the lone superpower. Now, Ted's main objective in life is to make inflamatory statements with no evidence to back them up. I love columns like this though. I just wish ONE TIME they would site an actual case where any of this happened. Government agents have kidnapped THOUSANDS of people? Really? Name one. Bush signed an edict that allows him the right to assissinate American citizens? Really? Show me a copy of this edict, please.
Poor Ted.
Now I can't say that I am crazy about any of the Republican candidates at this point, or even that crazy about our current Republican president. I had high hopes for Fred, but... I don't know. I saw him on Meet the Press yesterday and was severely underwelmed. I think he is noise at this point. I won't be voting for Rudy in the primary. At this point I'm looking at Romney and Huckabee. Actually that sounds like a half way decent ticket right there.
Posted by
10:55 AM
Labels: big government, election
I don't know what the deal is, but I have been floored by people lately. Maybe I'm just being more sensetive, I don't know. Both positively and negatively people have been blowing my mind.
Obviously the positive suprises are encouraging, but the negatives are... well... bummers.
Then I look at myself and I wonder how many times a day, a week, a month... I do the same thing to God. I've been raised to know God my whole life. I've been given every advantage and opportunity and I still blow it on a regular basis.
The God we serve is so amazing. So patient. So loving.
Lord, forgive me for being so dissapointing. So impatient. So unkind. So unloving.
Father, make me what you want me to be. Let me love like you.
Posted by
7:36 AM
Labels: mornings
Friday, November 2, 2007
Too far
Posted by
8:03 AM
Labels: Engineering, quote
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Quick quote
Okay, one quick quote and then I will actually need to do some work this morning... and drink my coffee and my slimfast shake.
"Always take an emergency leisurely." Chinese Proverb
Posted by
7:27 AM
Labels: quote
Bad guys are going down.
Man, there is just too much blog material this morning. Cool stuff.
Michael Yon is an independent (in thought and finances) reporter in Iraq. He has been covering this war from the ground, with the troops for years now. Some of his stories are just heart breaking, while others are absolutely inspiring.
His latest post is very encouraging. Gen Petraeus is doing an amazing job that a year ago, no one thought could be done.
Posted by
6:59 AM
Another one.
Good stuff from Pastor Furtick today. If his blog is not a daily read yet, you are missing out!
Catch it here.
Posted by
6:54 AM
Labels: furtick, inspiring, other blogs
Now you see it. Now you don't. Nice Tank.
Posted by
6:40 AM