Monday, February 11, 2008

This is the bad news...

Hillary's done. All the crying in the world isn't going to pull her out of this one.

The Obamania (I just made that up:) is going to roll over her like a freight train right down to the wire. He swept the weekend and has all the momentum that she ever hoped for.

The worst part is that he will only excite the Dems. I have been hearing the same STUPID thing from Republicans over and over, "well, I'm not voting for McCain... I might even vote for Obama!"


I totally understand people saying, we'll let the Dems ruin the country and it will swing the pendulum back to the conservatives. Which, sounds like a great idea, until you think of the immense and immeasurable DAMAGE that can be done with a Democratically controlled House, Senate and one of the most LIBERAL presidents (if not THE most) in history.

How do you stop Universal Healthcare once you have it? That's one of the biggest and primary things on Hussein's agenda.

Do we go back into Iraq in four years after Al Queda has been using it as a training base for four years when he pulls ALL of the troops out?

Is anybody actually LISTENING to this guy? I understand the Republican party needing a lesson in who they are. And I understand the country needing a lesson in what is good and bad, but how many people have to DIE for a lesson to be learned?

Where would the next terror target be?

What would Hussein do if Iran nuked Israel?

For that matter, what would he do if Iran invaded Iraq? How many millions would die in that one?

What about the government funding of abortions overseas? Something that Bush cut off when he came in. How many babies have to be killed with American tax dollars before we get the point?

For that matter, what if Stevens, Kennedy and Ginsberg all retire or die while he's president and he nominates three of the most liberal, pro-abortion judges the court has ever seen? I'll bet he would be going for younger justices. Just like Bush did. They are life time appointees, so how long would we have to live with abortion on demand in this country? How many MILLIONS have to die for this lesson?

The economy will suffer... I understand that, but that is the least of my concerns. The amount of LIVES LOST is what gives me nightmares... literally.

I'm sorry, I just don't think we can chance learning this one. I'm not a McCain fan, but for goodness sake, we've got to put him in there, if nothing else to avoid the alternatives.

In the meantime we better be finding the true conservatives and putting everything behind them. Get the REAL conservatives in the congress.... NOW!!

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