Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Obama the most Liberal Senator in 2007

This was brought up in the debate last night, but since I'm sure nobody but political junkies (me) watched it, I thought I would mention it.

The ratings for lawmakers in 2007 are out, and the winner is... Senator Obama.

According to the National Journal, which has been performing this ranking based on votes for the last 27 years, Barack Obama is the most liberal US Senator out there. That's right, he beat out both senators from Massachusetts, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy.

'Nuff said?

I do have to say that the moderating of the debate was pretty good. Tim Russert in particular hammered away at Hillary pretty good. That's kind of unfortunate, since I would really rather have him hammer on Obama, but he got some good licks in there.

I thought Hillary did particularly poorly. She looked edgy and irritated through the whole debate. Her posture and demeanor looked very uncomfortable and she was down right whiny at times. This was really her last shot to try and stop the Obama avalanch, and I'm afraid she failed.

I did like the fact that as soon as Farrakhan's endorsement came up, Obama got all flustered. Obama has a lot of fire coming right now from pro-Israeli and Jewish groups right now for his pro-Palestinian positions. Endorsements from two antisemitical leaders like Farrakhan and his own pastor Jeremiah Wright dont' help.

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