Friday, February 8, 2008

He never fails to irritate... although on some points I agree

Ted Rall actually has an interesting piece that he wrote a couple weeks back. You can check it out here.

He makes the completely valid point that Barack is all hype, no substance. Comparisons to Kennedy are far fetched and inappropriate. Very good points considering Obama doesn't say how he would fix things or what he would do.

Why are people throwing money at this guy?!

This is one crazy election.

At the end of the piece, Ted goes off on his socialist rant where if he were president he would wreck the economy, open us up to unlimited terrorist attacks from free havens all over the world, all while handing the keys to the White House over to the U.N. or some communist dictator so they could be the next Stalin (one of Ted's heroes). It was a pretty good piece up until that point.

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