Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My favorite right now

Being the pen FREAK that I am, I have tried just about every kind of pen that you can imagine under $50. While my Cross Gel Rollerball is one of my favorites for ink flow, I don't like the fact that they don't sell a 0.5 tip.

For a while I was in love with the Pilot G2 05, which is great, if you get a good one, but I have found that the quality can be a little hit and miss. I still like the overall design of the pen, but it would be nice if the clip was a little more snug and the quality a lot more consistent.

So... my current favorite it the TUL gel rollerball. Very nice. The design isn't quite as ergonomical as the Pilot G2, but the writing is smooth, consistent and gives a constant width even towards the end of the pen (the G2 05 starts to feel like an 07 about a quarter of the way through its life). Again, the clip isn't as good as it could be, they tend to loosen up pretty quick, but they do stay together (so far). A little pricier than the G2, but if you calculate the percentage of bad pens that you get in a pack of G2s, the cost is a wash if not a bargain.
For the money, I would say the TUL is the best 'every day use' pen on the market.
Like I said, I'm a freak, and you probably could care less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Son-you may have gotten that from me-I'm a pen freak and no one takes mine because they know they are taking their lives in their hands. I use the same pen I have used for about 3 years and I just use refills. It is a Pilot G-2 07

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