Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The first question of any president... are they a moral person?

Barack Obama (D)
Background: Current U.S. senator from Illinois (2005-2008)
Candidate declares himself: Pro-Choice
NARAL Pro-choice America Ranking: 100%
"Abortions should be legally available in accordance with Roe v. Wade."
- 1998 Planned Parenthood surveyAbortion: Wants Roe v Wade UPHELD.
Voted AGAINST the Partial-birth Abortion Ban.
Voted AGAINST the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which requires medical care for aborted fetuses that survive abortion attempts.
CO-SPONSORED “The Freedom of Choice Act” that would have codified Roe v Wade into federal law
Human Life Amendment: AGAINST ratifying a human life amendment
Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Voted FOR expanding embryonic stem cell research, Co-sponsored the 2005 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act
Anti-life Public Funding: Voted FOR public funding of some abortions

Hillary Clinton (D)
Background: Former First Lady 1992-2000,
U.S. Senator from New York; elected 2000; reelected 2006
Candidate declares herself: Pro-Choice
NARAL Pro-choice America Ranking: 100 %
“Our core beliefs and values can guide us through our goal of keeping abortion safe, legal and rare through the next century.” - Remarks to NARAL Pro-Choice America Rally, 1999
Abortion: Wants Roe v Wade UPHELD.
Voted AGAINST the partial-birth abortion ban.
CO-SPONSORED “The Freedom of Choice Act” that would have codified Roe v Wade into federal law
Human Life Amendment: AGAINST ratifying a human life amendment
Embryonic Stem Cell Research: FOR expanding embryonic stem cell research
Anti-life Public Funding: FOR public funding of some abortions and embryonic stem cell research

John McCain (R)
Background: U.S. Representative from Arizona, 1983-1987
U.S. Senator from Arizona, elected 1986; reelected 1992, 1998, 2004
Candidate declares himself: Pro-Life
NARAL Pro-choice America Ranking: 2%
“I pledge to you to be a loyal and unswerving friend to the right-to-life movement. The pro-life movement appeals to the best instincts within each and every one of us.” - Address to the 35th annual March for Life in Washington D.C.
Abortion: Wants Roe v Wade OVERTURNED. Opposed to abortion but believes it should be available in the case of rape or incest.
Voted FOR the Partial-birth Abortion Ban.
Voted FOR parental notification of minors seeking an abortion
Human Life Amendment: FOR a Human Life Amendment, but with exceptions to allow abortion in the case of rape or incest (from a 2006 interview with George Stephanopolous)Embryonic Stem Cell Research: FOR embryonic stem cell research
Anti-life Public Funding: Voted AGAINST public funding of abortions,
Voted FOR funding embryonic stem cell and fetal tissue research

Mitt Romney (R)
Background: Former governor of Massachusetts from 2002-2006
Candidate declares himself: Pro-Life
Candidate described as “anti-choice” by NARAL Pro-Choice America"
I am pro-life . . . the states, through the democratic process, should determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate." - Mitt Romney, Boston Globe, Op-Ed, July 26, 2005
Abortion: Previously declared a pro-choice position prior to 2002. Now wants Roe v Wade OVERTURNED. In December of 2005 he ordered all public and private hospitals in Massachusetts to make emergency contraception, or the “morning-after pill,” available to rape victims
Human Life Amendment: "Would be delighted" to sign a federal ban on all abortions (November 2007 GOP Youtube Debate), previously stated he would not call for a federal ban on abortions.
Embryonic Stem Cell Research: AGAINST embryonic stem cell research or human cloning, FOR research using surplus embryos from IVF clinics
Anti-life Public Funding: AGAINST public funding of abortions and VETOED funding of embryonic stem cell research in 2005

Find more info here.


Bill Curley said...

My biggest concern for any President, is how they act on the International stage, since, it is my opinion, that foreign policy is a President's top priority. The present President has done quite well; almost as good as Reagan. McCain should be adequate since he has had quite a bit of interaction with hostile countries.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on that one, Bill, I would have to say that I'm not really concerned about McCain on National Defense. My beef with him is mainly on domestic issues.

My point with this post is that I have run into a lot of people that say that they like Obama, without really knowing anything of what he is about. If he were to get in and nominate three liberal judges and re-instate foreign aid for abortions... I shudder to think about the millions of babies that would die with my tax dollars. Not to mention a Universal Healthcare System that funds abortions.

This is a very big, very moral issue for me and a lot of people.

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