Friday, August 29, 2008

Watching the speech

Just a side note, whoever is controlling the audio for the event is either an Obama supporter or needs to find a different line of work. Constant feedback from the podium mic, you could over hear talking between McCain and Palin before she spoke, and instead of gently bringing down the music they just cut it off cold.

- Palin is talking now.

- I hope they get some good speech writers for her. This one seems very informational and not real smooth.

- She's very personable. Nice looking family. She needs to not clap in front of the mic... of course if you had some competent audio people, that might not be a problem.

- Instead of a soccer mom, she was a hockey mom... she's from Alaska, what can you say.

- Sounds like she's done more in two years as governor of Alaska than Obama has done in the IL house or in the US Senate. She even killed the "bridge to nowhere" project. Not a polished speaker, but the substance is good. She needs a little coaching. "A ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not why the ship was built". Nice quote. This lady seems like a younger, female McCain. Shake things up. Rock the boat. Hopefully more conservative.

- Quite the rowdy crowd.

- She's got a little bit of an accent. I don't know, I'm not really up on my Alaskan accents. It sounds a little Minnesota-ish.

- Just gave credit for Hillary's '18 million cracks' to every woman in America.

- She needs to work on presentation before the debates.

I don't know. The substance was great, the presentation was a little off. Needs more practice. Kind of funny these are just huge contrasts. With Obama/Biden you have expert presentation with moronic ideas. With McCain/Palin you have mediocre presentation with proven ideas.

This is going to be interesting.

I think this is going to prove either genius or idiocy.

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