Friday, August 29, 2008

A thought while I wait

Waiting for two things. The first is for my wife to call and say that our niece has been born. Her sister and husband have been at the hospital since yesterday afternoon. Very exciting. I'm betting on around 8 am.

The second thing is McCain's VP choice. But as I sit here and read all of the latest 'guesses' or 'near leaks', BTW it doesn't look like Romney or Pawlenty, I am seeing stuff about Sarah Palin, another young conservative governor who has been very popular. I am very hopeful for the future of the Reps, but more importantly the future of conservatism. There are some very good, very principled leaders out there. Maybe in 2012 or 2016 I could imagine a Jindal/Palin ticket. Wouldn't that be something?

1 comment:

The White Family said...

Keep us posted on Heather & Chris' new baby. I can't wait to hear!

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