Sunday, August 17, 2008

Prayer Request

My brother Mike and his wife Kristen are best friends with a couple named Todd and Paula. Todd travels frequently for business and was recently in Mexico. Unfortunately he became ill and after a short stint in a Mexican hospital, returned to Chicago and went to the ER there. His condition appears to have been misdiagnosed and he was sent home. Early the next morning he suffered a heart attack and severe edema. Todd is in the hospital and is on a ventilator in a drug induced coma. You can follow his progress on Mike's blog in the Twitter section. Over the next couple of days they are hoping that the fluid levels in his brain decrease as they allow him to regain consciousness.

Please pray that all of the conditions subside, that God just heals this young father and critical part of this young family. Pray that as the sedation runs out that he regains complete consciousness and motor skills. This is a critical couple of days and absolutely necessary that God hears a thundering of prayers from his people on behalf of Todd, his wife Paula and their young children.

Thanks and God bless.

***Update: It appears that brain function is limited. Please pray very hard that this condition reverses. God can heal!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm praying.

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