Friday, October 10, 2008

Voter Fraud

This makes me so mad I can’t see straight. We really need to overhaul our voting process in every single county in the US. There really should be one consistent method and it should be as fool proof and more importantly fraud proof as humanly possible. I don’t care if the people doing it are Dems or Reps, they should be caught and thrown into prison. If there are people or organizations who have been supportive or have condoned these activities they should be shut down and their management imprisoned. If we can’t trust our elections, then we have all lost.

Here is another one. I see a new one almost every day related to ACORN. Don’t get me wrong, I do not, and would not ever want, to disenfranchise legal voters, but I equally despise the idea of people and especially organized groups, intentionally violating election laws. You can bet that if I heard of a Rep group doing it, you would be reading about it right here.

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