Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Presidential debate numero dos

I caught part of it on the radio and part of it on T.V. In all I thought it was actually pretty uneventful. Both candidates did fairly pitifully. One person asked a question about the energy crisis and global warming. McCain had a decent answer about a focus on nuclear power. Obama responded with something like uh... wind... solar... 5 million new jobs. For being a big issue, it was an amazing poor answer. The same goes for McCain on Social Security and Medicare. His answer came down to, hey I'll reach across the aisle... I'll pull in the smartest people... I have no plan right now, but give me a shot and I'll have smart people come up with one. Weak at best. Obama ducked the same question, just so that he didn't have to explain that he didn't have an answer. Nice.

Oh, by the way, HATED McCain's mortgage bailout idea. Since when does the government have the power to re-negotiate private contracts?

Ugh. I'm watching the global economy slip into the abyss and Obama is rambling on about expanding the Peace Corps to reduce the burden on our military. Huh?

Really? These are the two best guys for this EXTREMELY important job?

Can we go back to the primaries real quick?

This scene came to mind a couple of times last night. Classic.


Bill Curley said...

1. McCain's mortgage bailout plan is no better or worse than the present 700B law; and probably just as legal and ethical (??)

2. Please review the entry on my blog relative to the AIG bailout. My published idea now probably looks much better.

3. Obama mentioned the Peace Corps because he could not possibly approach a return to the Military Draft; which might be a better use of our resources. It would even out the burden on our troops, level the playing field for young citizens, and provide much needed training to those folks.

4 The debate was simply a rehash of prior meetings and dialogue. Nothing really new.

JonesGardenBlog said...

Bill, I saw your post on the AIG bailout. One big problem with that is massive inflation. Of course with an influx of a trillion dollars into the market, we could see that anyway.

It's all a mess. I say we flush both of them and start over.

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