Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin v. Biden

Yesterday afternoon I picked up the boys and took them to baseball practice. We were early, so we practiced pop flies. Both of them were really doing better when we finished. Then they had their regular practice and I watched a little bit as I practiced my kidstuf script. It’s only four pages this week, so it isn’t bad at all and my friend Rich is in the skit with me as Chef Bean. It should be great, the kids will love it. In fact the whole show this month is not only very interesting, but don’t right hilarious. I highly advise attending if you can (5pm Sunday night). Brandi had a singing practice that started during kidstuf rehearsal and didn’t finish until later, so I took the boys home and put them to bed at about 8:30. SO, all of that to say that I didn’t get to watch the debate as it happened. My good friend J, was texting me with updates, and from his messages, I was not very encouraged.

However, I did catch most of the debate on CNN’s re-run last night and I have to say I thought it was pretty good. I actually thought Joe Biden was “Good Joe” last night. He didn’t stick his foot in his mouth as he is very prone to doing. His answers were pretty clear and he spoke from experience. Unfortunately Palin didn’t really hammer him on the plethora of mistakes that he has made and continues to make, but that’s okay she didn’t need to. I thought Palin was good, not great, she did duck some questions, something that B and I both noticed. But she was VERY charming. In fact I think by the end of the debate Biden was ready to ask for her number. She showed a lot of confidence, humor and poise. She almost carried some things a little too far. I’m not sure how people are going to take the winking at the camera and the little shake on the “drill, baby, drill” (see video below), but all in all I was definitely pleased. At the end of the debate B asked why they have debates. I said it’s a chance for somebody to really mess up, or somebody to really say something unique, profound or even funny. Really it’s suppose to be about presenting the different positions of the parties, but unfortunately they don’t historically hold much sway in that fashion. You can definitely lose ground in a debate, but you can rarely pull out an election victory from a debate. Other than Palin’s charm, I don’t think much will be remembered from this debate (she’s the only candidate that I have ever seen give a wink to the camera and even a ‘shout out’ to her brother’s third grade class).

***Update : I just watched the clip again. I forgot this is where she called him Senator Obiden. I like it. :)

***Also, as I was watching last night I already started laughing, knowing that the SNL skit this week should be pretty funny.


Jason said...

I agree, it wasn't great but it definitely won't hurt the campaign any. I would have liked to have seen her answer the questions more directly and with more detail like Biden did but she definitely held her own through out.

Biden seemed to get a kick out to the Senator OBiden flub. That was classic!

Bill Curley said...

My perspective is that the Governor showed some freshness and, might I say, charm, while her opponent showed his old school stodginess, Which further reinforces the idea of bringing change and fresh thinking to a very weary and detached Washington DC. This implies, in my mind, a hope for the future.

JonesGardenBlog said...

J, I would have liked some more direct answers as well. I think that can probably be blamed on bad coaching.

Bill, I agree, she is definitely more entertaining to watch and I really like the part where she pointed out quite nicely that she is a Washington outsider that doesn't understand how these people can flip flop. That was a good shot.

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