Friday, October 17, 2008

Is Joe the Plumber the Game Changer that McCain Needed?

I didn't think so at the time. I heard the sound bite on the radio and thought, "yeah, so what, Obama is a socialist... duh!"

Evidently this is news to some people.

Polls are narrowing.

Here is a good article on this whole thing and what people think of a political philosophy that wants to "spread the wealth around".

When your goal is to level the field by knocking the big guys down (OVER-tax the rich), everyone ends up down. The goal is not to punish the prosperous by to make everyone prosperous.

You don't have to try and even out the pie. You can make more pie and everybody gets more.

Sorry, I like food analogies. I wonder if they have some pumpkin pie in the cafeteria...

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