Friday, October 31, 2008
Politics Are Affecting the Festivities
Posted by
10:22 AM
Labels: Funny
Empty Rhetoric Meets REALLY Gullible Followers
Posted by
10:18 AM
Labels: Obamania
I needed a good laugh this morning
If you aren't part of corporate America, you might miss the last reference and hence the humor.
If you don't get it, then google "who moved my cheese".
Posted by
6:47 AM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Obama Infomercial! Don't miss it! For a limited time ONLY!!
I really don’t have time for this, but I just can’t help myself.
In case you missed the Obama Infomercial last night, let me give you a recap. Sob story, sob story… Obama will fix EVERYTHING! The only line that was missing was, “I’m Barack Obama and I’ll fix that country for $39.95!”
There was a sad story about an older couple that retired, but had some health problems and he had to go back to work. There was a sad story about a family where the dad worked at a factory and the factory cut back his work. There was the teacher who worked a second job. Then we heard about Obama growing up as a kid. How much his mom helped him, followed of course by the heart breaking tale of his mother’s death from cancer. Interlaced through all of this is Obama telling you that he is going to fix that problem.
According to Senator Obama, he is going to create 5 million new ‘green’ jobs that CAN’T be outsourced. Really? That’s wonderful. HOW? Has he already invented some tremendous new technology that is going to produce energy from thin air. Maybe there will be 5 million people harvesting air? I know it sounds great. If there was a way to make so much money that you could afford to employee 5 MILLION people… don’t you think there would be entrepreneurs and businesses JUMPING all over it?
He’s going to cut healthcare costs by $2500 per family. Really? HOW!? By getting hospitals to transfer all of their records to electronic format? Trust me, and I definitely know something about this. Transferring to an electronic system may eventually save money (mainly by cutting people who handle the paperwork), but it costs a lot of money up front and if it isn’t done right can be time and ‘expensive’ labor intensive. Even if it went seamlessly, it won’t save the average family $2500 per year (or $10 for that matter). And while we are talking about that, let’s just think about some numbers real quick. $2500 per family… hmm… let’s be conservative and say that there are 75 million families in the US. That’s $187.5 BILLION dollars that is somehow just going to VANISH from the healthcare industry and no one is going to miss it! In fact while he is at it, he is also going to GIVE healthcare to 47 million people that don’t have it (he doesn’t mention it, but about 15 million of those are illegal aliens). So just do a sanity check here. He’s going to save the American people $187.5 BILLION dollars, while giving you better healthcare and covering 47 million people that aren’t currently covered…. I’m pretty good at math, but Senator Obama must be a lot better than I am if he can make those numbers work.
Occasionally the video (which was HOLLYWOOD quality in its production) would cut away to a Democratic politician saying how great Obama is and how he is a once in a generation leader. Really? What has he done? The only things that they mentioned in the video last night were the times he ‘reached across the aisle’ by working with people like Senator Lugar to push for the containment of old solviet era nukes. Wow, sounds impressive. In fact that sounds like something that everyone would want. As a matter of fact they did! It was unanimously passed. Not because Obama wrote a great bill, because he didn’t write hardly ANYTHING. What they are talking about is an ‘add on’ to an existing bill that was written and passed in the 90s. After the USSR collapsed we passed legislation to allocate funds to help the solviets break down some of their nuclear arsenal so that it didn’t fall into dangerous disrepair, or worse, into the wrong hands. Obama “REACHED ACROSS THE AISLE” to add a couple of lines to the bill to expand the program! COME ON!!! This is ridiculous!! Then they went on to talk about how he had fought against some of the senior people and leadership, but gave NO specifics! BECAUSE THERE AREN’T ANY!!!! He hasn’t done ANYTHING of substance!!! Period. That’s why they have to be vague and fill a 30 minute spot with glurge and sob stories! They want you to think that this country is a horrible place! But somehow, when Obama becomes President EVERYTHING will be better. In an instant! It will be like the rapture, but you don’t have to go anywhere, the rapture will bring you to Obamaland!
Someone needs to take his medicine. He’s having delusions of EXTREME grandeur.
What you heard last night is the same thing he’s been doing all around the country for the last couple of years. He finds hard cases, and there will always be hard cases to point out, and he talks about them. He goes on about the hard questions and tough issues facing this country and then says that he will fix them. If you ask him how, he tells you how much money he is going to throw at it.
That’s a lot of money. Thrown pretty much EVERYWHERE.
Hmmm… where does that come from again?
I mean, he already said he is going to cut taxes on 95% of working Americans. Which means a good chunk of people that don’t pay taxes will get paychecks from the government… hmmm… that’s more money gone. He is going to increase all kinds of taxes on wealthy people and businesses, which historically speaking means LOWER REVENUE to the federal government, lower profits in businesses, cut backs, fewer jobs… How is this going to solve ANYTHING!?
The man has been running for president for almost two years. We have yet to really see any new, good, or even SUBSTANTIVE ideas.
This is a frightening election.
****Update: Just caught this AP (of all people) article that sheds some light on some of the shady aspects of the Informercial.
Posted by
6:50 AM
Labels: Infomercial, Obama
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Obama the first Pro-Abortion President
Please read this article. Written by a professor at Princeton who is a member of the President’s Council on Bioethics. It’s a crushing blow to pro-lifers who have tried to justify a vote for Obama. I have listened to well intentioned and intelligent people try to argue in their own minds that the next president will have NO effect on abortion, but they couldn't be more wrong.
Here are some things that Obama has vowed to do to support and truly INCREASE abortion:
- Repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which according to NARAL has cut the number of abortions that ‘should’ have occurred in half because it cuts public funding for abortions where the mother’s life is not in danger and that don’t involve rape or incest. This one change alone could mean tens if not hundreds of thousands of additional abortions every year, funded with YOUR tax dollars.
- FOCA : Freedom Of Choice Act. Sounds good doesn’t it. Obama has pledged that he would sign FOCA, which would repeal all limitations on abortions through the entire 9 months of pregnancy.
In essence, FOCA would abolish virtually every existing state and federal
limitation on abortion, including parental consent and notification laws for
minors, state and federal funding restrictions on abortion, and conscience
protections for pro-life citizens working in the health-care
industry-protections against being forced to participate in the practice of
abortion or else lose their jobs. The pro-abortion National Organization for
Women has proclaimed with approval that FOCA would "sweep away hundreds of
anti-abortion laws [and] policies."
- Repealing the Mexico City Policy which will send tax payer dollars to other countries to fund abortions.
- Appoint pro-abortionist judges who will uphold these policies and undo the small amount of progress that we have made under W. Possibly pushing abortion forward for decades to come.
You simply cannot say that the next president will not impact abortion. In reality the next president could very well change the entire debate on abortion. Which way the debate goes may decide on your vote. This isn't a scare tactic. It's reality.
Posted by
11:35 AM
Labels: abortion, FOCA, Hyde Amendment, Mexico City Policy, Obama
Catching up on Dilbert
Tuesday is my catch up day and the start of my four day work week... that's right. :)
Dilbert of course is near the top of the list of things to catch up on... right after a huge steaming pile of email.
Posted by
7:11 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Naked Socialism
Obama is a socialist. Just listen.
If this is news to you, then you haven't been paying attention to what he says.
If you are okay with a socialist government then you are woefully ignorant of history and our constitution.
Obama and Biden over the last couple of weeks have been trying to avoid the word "socialism" because that is a buzz word and people don't like it. So they try and use other phrases, like 'spread the wealth around' and 'redistribution' (although this one has been pretty rare as well).
I've had several discussions with people that say, "well weren't the first Christians essentially communists, in the pure sense of the term?" and again, "Didn't Jesus promote socialism?"
Yes, in many respects both of those things are true. My wife and I had a discussion about this last night. The big difference is compulsion vs. desire. If I want to give to the poor then praise God. If I want to share all that I have with others, that's fantastic. The difference is the government TAKING from you to give to others. I'm completely in favor of Christians and churches being generous in trying to help those in need. That's one of the great things about the US. Historically speaking, Americans and Christian Americans specifically, have been the most generous people in history. That is something that we don't want to lose. If anything we want to encourage that as much as possible. A government that lets people keep their money so that they can afford to be generous, is the best way to do that.
Posted by
10:59 AM
Friday, October 24, 2008
The High Road or the Fraud Road, Which Would You Choose?
Having had a credit card number swiped and used fraudulently, I'm a little paranoid about my on line purchases. Retailers do their best to cover their backsides as well.
Wouldn't you think a politician would do the same?
McCain did, according to several people conducting "tests".
Obama... not so much. Check out this article on Obama's contribution system. This has been brought up several times and for months now. You would think Obama would have had his people look into it and fix the problem. But that might limit the funds coming in from... well... anybody in the world.
Considering that foreign contributions violate federal election laws, could this be construed as gross negligence? Of course, Obama didn't set the campaign website up, that was just his advisers and staff. To accuse him of wrong doing based on these 'associations' would just be ridiculous...
Posted by
7:32 AM
Murphy's Law and the Market
Smile, tomorrow will be worse!
Unfortunately that could be the case.
Markets tend to change not on what they know NOW, but what they predict for the future.
So is the market giving us an indicator of where investors think we are going?
Although the author doesn't give any financial kudos to McCain either, he sees Obama's tax plan as the worst possible thing to do in a bad economy. We'll see.
And, as it looks increasingly likely that Obama will be that man, the
markets are casting a vote of "no confidence."
Posted by
7:18 AM
Labels: economy
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The "Fairness Doctrine"
Well, I’ve been absolutely swamped the last few days, so catching up on news and blogging has been down on the list. I did want to call you attention to this:
Posted by
6:36 AM
Labels: Fairness Doctrine
Monday, October 20, 2008
Caridee : Another schedule change
The board of pediatric cardiologists at PCH reviewed Caridee's file this morning and they decided that it would be better for her to gain some more weight before they perform the surgery. So it has been postponed and they will be monitored. Obviously this is an emotional roller coaster for Heather and Chris.
In the meantime she has had trouble gaining weight because of the heart condition, so it's kind of a chicken/egg thing.
Please just continue to pray that God heals her heart without the surgery and that she quickly starts to gain weight and energy.
Posted by
11:41 AM
Labels: Caridee Sage
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New Time for Caridee's Surgery
We got an email saying that the surgery has been bumped up from Wednesday to Tuesday about noon.
Please keep them in your prayers. If you would like to pass on any words of encouragement you can leave a comment below and I will gladly pass them on.
Thanks and have a blessed weekend!
**** Update: They have also established a Caring Bridge website for her here.
Posted by
10:14 AM
Labels: Caridee Sage, prayer request
Friday, October 17, 2008
My SECOND favorite conspiracy theory
Okay, still thinking about conspiracy theories.
Here is an interesting one and a well made video to boot. (HT: J. White)
Posted by
2:04 PM
Labels: conspiracy theories
Is Joe the Plumber the Game Changer that McCain Needed?
I didn't think so at the time. I heard the sound bite on the radio and thought, "yeah, so what, Obama is a socialist... duh!"
Evidently this is news to some people.
Polls are narrowing.
Here is a good article on this whole thing and what people think of a political philosophy that wants to "spread the wealth around".
When your goal is to level the field by knocking the big guys down (OVER-tax the rich), everyone ends up down. The goal is not to punish the prosperous by to make everyone prosperous.
You don't have to try and even out the pie. You can make more pie and everybody gets more.
Sorry, I like food analogies. I wonder if they have some pumpkin pie in the cafeteria...
Posted by
1:26 PM
Labels: Joe the Plumber, Obama, socialism
Prayer Request for baby Caridee
Well, Caridee had her check up and her heart condition has gotten worse. The surgery to resolve the shrinking of her aorta is this coming Wednesday.
Please keep my little niece and her parents in your prayers. This is just a tough thing to go through, especially for first time parents.
I'll make another post before Wednesday, but I just wanted people to be able to talk to any prayer chains that you may be a part of at your churches so that we can create a chorus of believers lifting up this little family.
Thanks and have a blessed weekend.
Posted by
8:28 AM
Labels: Caridee Sage
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hey they have a sense of humor
I personally thought McCain was a bit funnier. The crowd took it well too. I think Hillary was in a full on belly laugh.
Obama had his moments too. Needs to work on the delivery though. Evidently no teleprompter and he didn't rehearse his notes well enough.
Posted by
9:03 PM
Labels: Funny
Is Obama Really an Author?
Okay, this one is all Nick's fault. :) He got me going on conspiracy theories this morning, so here you go.
Jack Cashill puts together a string of 'evidence' to support his theory that Obama's best selling and very well written Dreams From My Father was actually written by William Ayers.
I know it's kookie. I'm not saying I believe it. But it's interesting.
Just a theory...
Posted by
10:52 AM
Labels: conspiracy theories
Good Ad
Another good one from the RNC.
Posted by
6:45 AM
Labels: McCain Ads
And the winner was... JOE the Plumber!
Well, what did you expect? He got mentioned over two DOZEN times last night. That's crazy! There was also one "I've got a bracelet too..." moment in there when Obama said, "I want to talk to Joe too..." like Joe was hanging out on a conference call waiting to take their input. Classic.
I thought the start of the debate definitely favored Obama. McCain came out swinging, which is good, but you can't come out flailing, which is what it sounded like. The thing about landing political punches is that you shouldn't even try it if you can't do it in a smooth way. Don't try to change the subject of a question in order to beat up your opponent. Answer the question. If there is an opportunity in the question to bring up a flaw of your opponent, then point out it, but don't come out and start ignoring questions just to see if you can land a haymaker. It doesn't come across well. While McCain was swinging away, Obama was making some points in his suave fashion that definitely gave him the edge.
As the debate went on, McCain composed himself and started answering the questions and delivered some decent jabs. Unfortunately I think he missed several opportunities. If you are talking about taxes and your opponent has said over and over that he wants to raise taxes on businesses, then why don't you point out the fact that businesses don't pay taxes... their customers, employees, and shareholders do. Higher business taxes mean HIGHER PRICES, fewer jobs, and less investment. Point out the fact that EVERY time we lower income tax rates we INCREASE revenue to the federal government AND the whole economy goes UP. It's just a fact! The only time it doesn't have a direct correlation is when you have an economic down turn. Like right now. And in that case the WORST thing you can do is to raise taxes because it hurts already cash strapped businesses. McCain was ALMOST there on some of these points, but he really didn't complete the thought and draw the direct relationships for people. He tried with all of the references to Joe the Plumber, but he kept getting... almost... there... and then... would stop and go off on a rant. It was kind of frustrating. Obama also brought up his tax cut for 95% of working Americans. McCain could have pointed out that only 60% of Americans actually PAY individual income taxes. Basically there were several opportunities that McCain just didn't take advantage of, and that is irritating.
It shouldn't surprise me, but it did. There were several times I started talking to the TV last night in frustration at Obama's out right lies. Here are two examples. The first is the Bill Ayers issue. He said that it wasn't true that he started his political career in Ayer's living room. A total lie. That's were he announced he was running for the IL state senate seat, that's where he was endorsed by the incumbent and held a fundraiser, if that isn't a launch, then I don't know what is. The second was when he went on about the stance that he has taken on abortion. He said, "Yes, let me respond to this. If it sounds incredible that I would vote to withhold lifesaving treatment from an infant, that's because it's not true." It's absolutely true! I just wanted to scream LIAR!!!
On free trade, on abortion and the selection of judges, and especially in their closing remarks, I thought John McCain won. The first 20 minutes of the debate, I thought Obama seemed more presidential, and so I give him the edge on that.
In all I thought that Bob Schieffer did an excellent job. I like the format of the debate a lot better than the last one or even the first one. I like the fact that they did the split screen through a good portion of it (on CNN anyway, I'm not sure if all of the networks did that). I thought that Obama got a very condescending look when he disagreed with McCain and I thought McCain looked like the Cheshire cat when he thought he had something to get Obama on. But it was entertaining.
I HATED the fact that immigration wasn't brought up in ANY of the debates. I don't know if this was part of some pre-debate agreement between the two (since their views on this are relatively similar). But it is an important issue and the American people need to see where the candidates stand and they should have to defend that position.
In all I think this debate is a lot like the other two, although I think it was the best of the three. Basically there are no real memorable lines out of any of the debates and they will have no real impact on the election in the long run.
Kind of typical that way.
Posted by
5:37 AM
Labels: Presidential debate
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
BAD voters
Voting is a big deal. It is up to each person to really look at the issues that are involved and vote for someone based on their ideas, leadership ability, vision for our country, and values. Having put an enormous amount of effort into educating myself on the candidates, I get very frustrated when people don’t put in a minimal amount of effort.
I heard a tremendous example of this yesterday on the radio. Let me just clarify, the clip is from the Howard Stern show, but I was NOT listening to the dirty old man, I was listening to my normal right wing radio wackos. :)
Posted by
7:42 AM
Labels: howard stern, stupid people
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Obama and ACORN
Good grief! The reports of fraudulent voter registrations by ACORN are incredible. The number of people saying that they have been HARASSED by ACORN canvassers is beyond ridiculous. And all while collecting tax payer funds.
Mickey Mouse even gave in and registered.
Obama now claims that he has nothing to do with ACORN.
Oh really. There is some good info here.
The REALLY bad thing about this is that this election is going to be ugly. I mean really ugly. It's too late at this point for it even to approach being civil. I highly doubt that we will know the winner on Nov. 5th, or even shortly there after. If Obama wins, then people are going to be screaming fraud (mainly because they are now), with legitimate claims and concerns, considering the 1.3 million people that ACORN has reportedly registered, with tens of thousands thought to be fraudulent. Of course if McCain wins, the pundits have already been promising that there will be riots in major cities and cries of racism and disenfranchisement.
This is all out of hand.
We need a NATIONAL system for conducting elections. We need training offered on how to vote on those systems. If they could have it in place by 2010, that would be great, but at least by 2012. I'm tired of all of the hanging chad business and somebody hacked the computer garbage. Just ridiculous. I would highly advise going with something like we have in AZ. Paper ballots that are simple to fill out, then are read and stored by the machine with immediate feedback over whether or not there was an issue. They work great.
Any way you slice it, it is just going to be ugly. Already lawyers on both sides waiting in the wing to challenge results.
This is pathetic.
****Update: Check out the clip from CNN
Posted by
11:32 AM
Labels: voter fraud, voting systems
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Just in case you aren't one of the 100 MILLION people to watch this
My family thought this was hilarious.
My sweet wife insisted that I put it on the blog... because she says it's funny AND non-political (what fun is that?)
Posted by
8:10 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
About the VP debate
Ann Coulter. Okay, some of you stopped reading right there.
I understand she is inflamatory on a good day and has a well earned reputation for saying things JUST to get people upset. But, underneath all of that she can make some good points.
Here is her take on Biden's truth and knowledge in the debate last week.
Posted by
11:20 AM
Labels: Ann Coulter
The Creepiest of the Creepies
Okay the videos of the little kids was bad. The military fatigued teenagers was worse.
This takes the cake.
Posted by
7:50 AM
Voter Fraud
This makes me so mad I can’t see straight. We really need to overhaul our voting process in every single county in the US. There really should be one consistent method and it should be as fool proof and more importantly fraud proof as humanly possible. I don’t care if the people doing it are Dems or Reps, they should be caught and thrown into prison. If there are people or organizations who have been supportive or have condoned these activities they should be shut down and their management imprisoned. If we can’t trust our elections, then we have all lost.
Here is another one. I see a new one almost every day related to ACORN. Don’t get me wrong, I do not, and would not ever want, to disenfranchise legal voters, but I equally despise the idea of people and especially organized groups, intentionally violating election laws. You can bet that if I heard of a Rep group doing it, you would be reading about it right here.
Posted by
7:34 AM
Labels: voter fraud
Thursday, October 9, 2008
P Building and the cage
The plant where I work use to be one of the crown jewels of Motorola. Seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day this facility was packed with thousands upon thousands of employees. Any time of day you would have been hard pressed to find a parking place. One person even told me that there use to be a little grocery store on the corner where you could rent a parking place and the owner of the store would keep an eye on your car. Eventually Motorola purchased the store and tore it down to expand the parking lot.
Now that same parking lot sits mostly empty, like the rest of the parking lot. On any given day you can find a real good parking spot, even in the new covered parking. I come in at 5am and I pretty much have my pick of where I want to be. There are some cars here from the night shift of the one manufacturing area left in the facility, but they don’t take up much space. Most of the time I’m in the first row. Some of the people I work with have been here for twenty, thirty, even forty years and they look back and remember fondly how this place use to be brimming with people.
Personally I have never seen the facility like that. To me it’s an older industrial complex. They have fixed up quite a few things, but it’s mostly old furniture and old equipment. I’m in the basement and you can hear the non stop sounds of fans, compressors, air conditioners and power transformers. You don’t really notice it unless they come in for maintenance and shut a few things off, then it suddenly becomes quiet… kind of peaceful… kind of eerie.
However, nothing compares to P Building. It was once a hub of the whole facility. People packed in the hallways, even golf carts and fork lifts would go into the building to load and unload certain equipment. It’s big. From the outside you can see all kinds of pipes and chimneys and you wonder if anybody really even knows what half of it was ever used for.
I’ve been in P Building before, but never alone. We recently consolidate our labs and in the process lost a lot of storage space. No problem, facilities just moved some of our things over to “the cage”. A storage area that is just for us inside P Building. Actually there are several, owned by different groups, all with chain link fence around them and big padlocks. Unfortunately I agreed to help someone out with some hardware and found out it had been taken over to the cage. I got the key and headed over. I hadn’t been by myself before, so I got directions. Go straight in until you hit a T in the hallway. Turn left and go up three levels, then go through some double doors on the left. Sounded pretty straight forward.
I went across campus and right into the building. The doors are left open all of the time and I do mean all of the time. There are bird feathers and dirt everywhere. Already I can feel my allergies kicking into high gear and I’m starting to panic that I am somehow going to contract some West Nile/Haunta/MRSA/Bird Flu and die before I even get out of the building.
There are holes in the walls, debris is scattered all over the place. Every once in a while you see a little black box on the floor. That’s to catch the mice. I don’t know why they bother, whatever killed the bird near the entrance would probably be quick enough to catch the mice.
See the black box in the bottom center of the picture.
It just amazes me how much stuff is left in this building. Huge areas that are gutted accept for chairs, garbage, racks that use to hold equipment and… I don’t know how to describe it. Just debris everywhere.
Evidently they keep a couple of spare signs over here.
The halls are literally caked with dirt. I don’t know if it is from moving stuff around or the fact that it hasn’t been cleaned in years. It’s disgusting and you can feel your feet scraping along as you go. The middle of the hallways are almost clear accept for big black marks from dragging equipment. The sides are caked in a good half inch of dirt.
Over head you get the same feeling that you got from the outside of the building. Massive bundles of pipes and wires, cutting in and out of walls and going on for miles. There is no way that anyone really knows where they all go or what they all do. There is the constant hum of electricity as you walk, but there is no air conditioning and the building is warm, musty… there are a few lights that work, but just enough to see where you are going. Some things are just hanging by wires from the ceiling. The whole thing just feels like a nightmare sequence from some B-rated horror movie right before the unsuspecting employee gets electrocuted by the janitor that use to work there. The hallways go for ever and there are a hundred little turns. Every so often you see a well lit area, but when you look inside you see the same dirt and dust that cakes everything else.
The directions were good. I found the cage and was even able to find the hardware I needed. As I closed up the chain link door I heard a rumbling sound creep up behind me moving very quickly. My heart skipped a beat or two and I realized that someone must be running a fork lift on the second floor above me.
I locked the gate and headed back out. Through the double doors, down three levels and back out towards the light. The trip out took a lot less time than the trip in. :)
I went back to my own area and washed my hands, face, and head. My shoes were caked with dust. I brushed off my clothes, wiped down my shoes, and headed back with a phone full of pictures.
It was kind of creepy. Really disgusting. And if I come down with some mystery disease in the next couple of days, hopefully SOMEBODY will have gotten through this whole post and can tell them that I must have caught it from P Building.
Posted by
12:33 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
ACORN. Community organizers. Ever heard of them? I hope so. You are paying for 40% of their budget. But don't worry, the Democrats call them the good guys. Helping people get registered to vote (because it is SO difficult these days). M. Malkin has a great piece on ACORN and the voter fraud that you are paying for.
Here are the highlights (bolds are my additions).
— Lake County, Ind., election officials this month rejected a large portion
of the 5,000 registration forms ACORN turned in after conducting registration
drives in the area all summer. Some vote canvassers had pulled names and
addresses from telephone books and forged signatures. According to local
reports, “large numbers of voter registration forms bore signatures all in the
same apparent handwriting style” and “apparently the organization’s canvassers
broke rules to meet ACORN-set voter registration quotas to get paid.” The fake registrants included dead people and underage
On a conference call yesterday, GOP officials noted that up to
11,000 voter applications were no good — tying up election officials and jeopardizing the voting rights of untold victims whose identities may
have been stolen.
– Last month, Milwaukee, Wis., officials discovered at least seven
felons employed as voter registration workers for ACORN and another affiliated
group. They also uncovered a raft of problematic voter registration cards. The
state GOP accused ACORN of attempting to enroll dead, imprisoned or
imaginary people to voter rolls. Fraud has plagued ACORN’s Milwaukee
chapter since the last election cycle.
– In Florida, in Orange County alone, ACORN workers turned in multiple
copycat forms for six separate voters over the summer. According to the Miami
Herald, “One individual had 21 duplicate
applications.” Election officials had flagged ACORN’s negligent practices several months ago, but it may be too late: In Orange, Broward and Miami-Dade counties, ACORN has signed up 135,000 new voters, nearly 60 percent of them registered as Democrats that constitute a fifth of all new voters in that region.
– In Ohio, large numbers of homeless people received free van and bus
rides to register. Shelby Holliday, a reporter for, filmed ACORN
shuttling prospects to the polls. She told me she spoke with one
homeless woman who told her ACORN “told her who to vote for if she wanted a ‘better life,’ and told her not to worry about jury duty (one of the
reasons this homeless woman didn’t want to register) because the government
probably wouldn’t be able to track her down. She was registering with a
temporary address.”
Ah! Corrupt Chicago politics on a grand scale. I actually heard one news report yesterday that of the multitude of fraudulent registrations was fake registrations from the entire Dallas Cowboy football team. Nice.
Corrupt campaign donations and fraudulent voter registration = Change You Should be Afraid Of.
Posted by
2:08 PM
Labels: ACORN, Obama, voter fraud
Presidential debate numero dos
I caught part of it on the radio and part of it on T.V. In all I thought it was actually pretty uneventful. Both candidates did fairly pitifully. One person asked a question about the energy crisis and global warming. McCain had a decent answer about a focus on nuclear power. Obama responded with something like uh... wind... solar... 5 million new jobs. For being a big issue, it was an amazing poor answer. The same goes for McCain on Social Security and Medicare. His answer came down to, hey I'll reach across the aisle... I'll pull in the smartest people... I have no plan right now, but give me a shot and I'll have smart people come up with one. Weak at best. Obama ducked the same question, just so that he didn't have to explain that he didn't have an answer. Nice.
Oh, by the way, HATED McCain's mortgage bailout idea. Since when does the government have the power to re-negotiate private contracts?
Ugh. I'm watching the global economy slip into the abyss and Obama is rambling on about expanding the Peace Corps to reduce the burden on our military. Huh?
Really? These are the two best guys for this EXTREMELY important job?
Can we go back to the primaries real quick?
This scene came to mind a couple of times last night. Classic.
Posted by
5:39 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Great SNL Skit
I didn't get to see it first hand, but I caught the link here (WARNING: some offensive text on this site) of the hilarious SNL skit this weekend.
No, not the Palin/Biden debate, although that one was definitely funny. I am talking about the one where SNL points out the painful fact that the Dems, including their chief financier George Soros, are at the root of this whole thing. There have been several postings of the skit, but they have all gotten pulled down except the one link above. I'm sure the owner of the site will probably be forced to take it down soon, so click quick.
Classic stuff and down right hilarious. Watch Pelosi's eyes! That cracked me up. Botox is not your friend Nancy.
Anyway, I thought it was interesting.
*** Update: Here is the Palin/Biden skit, since that one was still on NBC's site.
Posted by
1:56 PM
Labels: SNL
Monday, October 6, 2008
More creepy stuff
Does this kind of stuff bother anybody else?
Posted by
5:20 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Palin v. Biden
Yesterday afternoon I picked up the boys and took them to baseball practice. We were early, so we practiced pop flies. Both of them were really doing better when we finished. Then they had their regular practice and I watched a little bit as I practiced my kidstuf script. It’s only four pages this week, so it isn’t bad at all and my friend Rich is in the skit with me as Chef Bean. It should be great, the kids will love it. In fact the whole show this month is not only very interesting, but don’t right hilarious. I highly advise attending if you can (5pm Sunday night). Brandi had a singing practice that started during kidstuf rehearsal and didn’t finish until later, so I took the boys home and put them to bed at about 8:30. SO, all of that to say that I didn’t get to watch the debate as it happened. My good friend J, was texting me with updates, and from his messages, I was not very encouraged.
However, I did catch most of the debate on CNN’s re-run last night and I have to say I thought it was pretty good. I actually thought Joe Biden was “Good Joe” last night. He didn’t stick his foot in his mouth as he is very prone to doing. His answers were pretty clear and he spoke from experience. Unfortunately Palin didn’t really hammer him on the plethora of mistakes that he has made and continues to make, but that’s okay she didn’t need to. I thought Palin was good, not great, she did duck some questions, something that B and I both noticed. But she was VERY charming. In fact I think by the end of the debate Biden was ready to ask for her number. She showed a lot of confidence, humor and poise. She almost carried some things a little too far. I’m not sure how people are going to take the winking at the camera and the little shake on the “drill, baby, drill” (see video below), but all in all I was definitely pleased. At the end of the debate B asked why they have debates. I said it’s a chance for somebody to really mess up, or somebody to really say something unique, profound or even funny. Really it’s suppose to be about presenting the different positions of the parties, but unfortunately they don’t historically hold much sway in that fashion. You can definitely lose ground in a debate, but you can rarely pull out an election victory from a debate. Other than Palin’s charm, I don’t think much will be remembered from this debate (she’s the only candidate that I have ever seen give a wink to the camera and even a ‘shout out’ to her brother’s third grade class).
***Update : I just watched the clip again. I forgot this is where she called him Senator Obiden. I like it. :)
***Also, as I was watching last night I already started laughing, knowing that the SNL skit this week should be pretty funny.
Posted by
6:41 AM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Pork and Mess in the Bailout Bill
I’ve just been through a good portion of the bailout. What was once 3 pages has swelled to 451 and that is before the House gets to it. New pork and changes could be added then. The actual text of what is set up and established to deal with the mortgage mess begins on page 3. Everything associated with the “bailout”, including regulations, oversight, lots of specific stuff is finished by page 113. A big bill, no doubt. But manageable on it’s own. The other 300 plus pages of this bill are total garbage that has been tacked on. Don’t get me wrong, some of them are good things that we should definitely do, but they should be proposed and voted on as separate bills. The bill writing and amending process has become absolutely ridiculous. We need to be pushing for a huge CONGRESSIONAL REFORM that limits what is included in a bill.
This is atrocious! Call you congressman and complain about that! Go to the websites of the presidential candidates and tell them to push for legislation reform!
If you think I’m wrong, then please read through what is included in this bill. Yes I went through it one section at a time and noted each one for the most part. Some of them were grouped into sections as I got tired, but you get the idea. I’ve put my favorites in BOLD print. Some that were so obscure I couldn’t translate were left in CAPS and are quoted. My comments and section numbers are in parenthesis.
- Tax credits, tax incentives, and bond measures for renewable energy. (Several sections in the 100s)
- Tax credits for steel industry fuel (seems to pertain particularly to coal). (Sec. 108)
- Multiple provisions to modify (from the number it’s a drastic increase) and expand coal projects and credits (Sec. 111)
- Increase in coal taxes to fund a black lung trust fund. (Sec. 113)
- “Special Rules” (I hate that language) to refund coal excise taxes for certain producers and exporters. (Sec. 114)
- Tax credit for “Carbon Dioxide Sequestration” (does this mean I can get a tax credit for planting those trees in the backyard that my wife has been begging me for?) (Sec. 115)
- Investigating the magnitude of the effect of the tax code on carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. (no, I’m serious) (Sec. 117)
- “INCLUSION OF CELLULOSIC BIOFUEL IN BONUS DEPRECIATION FOR BIOMASS ETHANOL PLANT PROPERTY” (I’m guessing this means that people who produce ethanol from other plant matter, like the corn husks can benefit from the same pork that the people using the kernel get) (Sec. 201)
- Tax credits for biodiesel (Sec. 202)
- A clarifier that fuel incentives are designed to increase domestic production. (I guess they couldn’t even figure out WHY they were doing all of this!) (Sec. 203)
- Extension and modification of alternative fuel credit. (Sec. 204)
- Credit extensions for new qualified electric, plug-in vehicles. (Sec. 205)
- Alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit (I guess that’s good news if you want to open up a 7/11 that dispenses hydrogen) (Sec. 207)
- “Fringe benefits” to bicycle commuters (you can’t make this stuff up). (Sec. 211)
- Energy conservation bonds (Sec. 301)
- Tax credit for “Nonbusiness energy property” (Sec. 302)
- Tax deduction for energy efficient commercial buildings. (Sec. 303)
- Energy efficient home credits. (Sec. 304)
- Energy efficient home appliance credits (Sec. 305)
- “ACCELERATED RECOVERY PERIOD FOR DEPRECIATION OF SMART METERS AND SMART GRID SYSTEMS.” (my smart reader is telling me this whole thing is a pile of POOP!) (Sec. 306)
- Defining sustainable design projects and green buildings. (Sec. 307)
- “Special” depreciation allowance on certain properties used for reuse and recycling. (Sec. 308)
- “LIMITATION OF DEDUCTION FOR INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO DOMESTIC PRODUCTION OF OIL, GAS, OR PRIMARY PRODUCTS THEREOF.” (Do we want to be limiting deductions on DOMESTIC production? How does this help our dependency on foreign oil?) (Sec. 401)
- “PERCENT FUTA SURTAX.”(I have no idea what a FUTA surtax is)(Sec. 404.0.2 – no I’m not kidding)
- Div. C contains all kinds of individual tax relief, extensions, extensions for business and restaurants. It includes increases in the “cover over” (whatever that means) of the rum excise tax to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Economic development tax credits for American Samoa. Mine rescue team tax training credit. Different bond measures. Several pork bones to Indian tribes. Railroad maintenance. Katrina tax breaks. Change of tax law for motorsports race tracks (Sec. 317 of Div. C). Tax breaks for investing in Washington DC (Sec. 322 of Div. C). Tax extensions and modifications on wool (Sec. 325 of Div. C)
- Tax breaks for film and television industry. (Sec. 502)
- Some obscure tax exemption for wooden arrows designed for use by children (seriously) (Sec. 503)
- Pages of tax law changes for litigants in the 1989 Exxon Valdez incident, Alaska (Sec. 504)
- Tax law changes for claiming farming equipment as property. (Sec. 505)
- Tax law change on penalties for the taxpayer on understatement of liability of tax payer by tax preparer (my head is spinning) (Sec. 506)
Oh, by the way this was all tacked onto a $3.5 billion measure intended to force health-insurance companies to cover mental illness as they do physical sickness, that included it’s own pork about rural schools, federal land, and national disaster relief.
Posted by
11:04 AM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I thought debate moderators were suppose to be impartial
So how does it look when the debate moderator for the VP debate tomorrow night is about to publish a book with the words 'in the Age of Obama' in the title?
Here she is covering the RNC. No smile. Shaking her head. Obviously disgusted at the energy in the room, at the way Palin landed full on body blows to her book subject, and very thinly veiling her repulsion at having to attend Sarah Palin's first speech where she performed amazingly.
Posted by
8:41 AM
Labels: debate, media bias
Who is funding the Obama campaign?
Obama is out on the trail and he likes to say things like, his campaign isn't financed with a single dollar from lobbyists, that most of his campaign contributions come from small on-line donations.
But exactly who and where are these donations coming from? Is it from single moms who are true believers in his cause? Definitely some. Is it from liberal college students about to vote in their first presidential election? Most definitely, some. Is it from Palestinian camps controlled by Hamas? Evidently. Is it from a huge number of foreign contributors? Illegally so, yes.
Please read this.
Posted by
7:43 AM
Labels: Obama campaign contributions