Sunday, June 22, 2008

Setting the stage

This absolutely made me mad. Not just a little mad, but a lot mad. This isn't news, this is a bleak and depressing look at all of the bad things going on in the world. What about stories of people pulling together to help those in need? Why haven't we heard stories about Americans giving to aid the earthquake victims in China? Or groups that have been praying for the Chinese parents who lost their children when their school collapsed? Or how the reaction of the people in Iowa and the other Midwest states has been amazingly positive given the situation? How about stories talking about the improvements in FEMA management?

I mean come on! Something! This story is just depressing! But it's not really even a story, it's a sob-story depression piece. WHAT'S THE POINT!!!!

Or is there a point? Hmm... granted there are a lot of bad things going on in the world right now. But aren't there always? The world is a big place. If you have a camera and a few airline tickets you can string together quite a collage of negative imagery.

Of course if you want to get your "audience" ready to receive their hero and deliverer, then that is probably exactly the picture you would paint. The world was a dark and horrible place, filled with pollution, disease, incandescent light bulbs, and gas guzzling SUVs until... our hero OBAMA!

Okay, it may be a little "conspiracy theory-ish", but I don't think that it is THAT much of a stretch. I think that there are a good many "reporters" out there trying to do their best to influence their world. Some of them are probably even pretty innocent about it. Unfortunately sometimes we see what we want to see.

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