Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More bad judgement from Obama

You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. Obama doesn't have much of a record of accomplishments so MOST of what he is running on is "trust me I'm the right guy at the right time". However, a president needs to be a good delegater of responsibility. Obama has proven time and time again that he surrounds himself with the wrong people.

Wright, Ayers, Rezko, Pfleger, Powers... and now to show that he is a different kind of candidate who isn't going to listen to lobbyists and corrupt politicians he has put Jim Johnson in charge of his VP search committee. Of course he is a lobbyist who is dealing with some corruption charges... nice. Obama tries to explain it away. Ever notice how it is always someone else's fault? One of his staff members, or "hey that's not the guy I knew". Will it ever be B.O.'s fault? What happened to "The buck stops here?"

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