Monday, June 2, 2008

It's time

There are several pieces out there right now talking about Hillary and what she is doing in the next couple of days. This talk revolves around a few key things. #1 the primaries end Tuesday night with Montana and South Dakota voting. #2 the big meeting over the weekend to discuss Florida and Michigan. #3 Hillary plans to spend Tuesday night in NYC. Kind of strange since she would normally be at celebration speeches in the states that she will win on Tuesday. #4 Bill mentioned that this might be the last day that he is involved in a campaign like this.

All of the indicators are leaning toward throwing in the towel, or rather conceding that she has exhausted all options. There was a little talk from the Clinton camp bashing Obama about not being able to win the Hispanic vote, but... that comes on a landslide victory for Clinton in... Puerto Rico... where they can't vote in the general election. It was interesting that she beat Obama 70/30.

Funny, before this whole thing, I thought for sure she would be the nominee. I have to admit I was a little frightened by Obama and his flaming liberal record combined with empty speeches and meaningless phrases. I think the alternative media has been doing a bang up job beating him up and I think it will continue.

Personally I am hoping that McCain plays nice and sweet until the debates and then unloads on him with both barrels. His economic policies are a joke. He is a MORON (not to sugar coat it) when it comes to foreign policy. And he has literally ZERO experience on anything of substance considering he has been campaigning for president his entire term as a Senator.

The bell is ringing... the big fight is on.

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