Wednesday, June 4, 2008

289,650+ victims in 2006

Michelle Malkin has a great syndicated piece today where she discusses the congress’ desire to berate all kinds of sports figures and industry executives but not the executives behind Planned Parenthood who are being sued and investigated on a whole list of civil and criminal issues. Quite frankly it’s revolting. Any story I read about this horrific industry just leaves me with a hollow, gut wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach. And rightly so. As MM points out, in 2006, this tax payer subsidized “business” performed 289,650 abortions. Over a quarter of a million children were killed and we subsidized it to the tune of 336 million dollars.

You can call or write your senators with the information here.

This link will provide you with your individual congressman’s websites which should contain contact information for their local and Washington offices. Just to be safe. Call both.

Read the article. Get mad. Call your elected officials who are signing the checks.

*** update: This link is an even better way to contact your representatives.

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