Monday, June 2, 2008


If you haven't heard the name Father Pfleger yet, then you probably haven't been watching the news. I won't bore you with all of the sermon clips, but they are pretty classic. If you want to see dozens of doozies, just go to and search for Pfleger.

Best quote : "America is the greatest sin."


He's a of a Rev. Wright wannabe. I'm a bit, or make that a lot surprised that the Catholic church hasn't removed this man from his position. Or fired him, or disfellowshipped him. Not for his anti-American views but for his racially charged speeches and his teaching of black liberation theology, many times using questionable (as in I wouldn't say or let my kids HEAR it) language. The man is despicable.

Although Obama passed him off as someone that was just a guest speaker at his now former church, he is much more closely associate with Father Pfleger than that. Not only has he known the man for 20 years, but he even earmarked $100K for a youth center at Pfleger's church in Chicago when he was in the IL state congress. This is a picture of the testimonial that USE to appear on Obama's webpage.

Don't bother looking there for it now, it's gone.

As I mentioned, Obama has formally withdrew from Trinity United Church of Christ, although during his statement he said, “I’m not denouncing the church, and I’m not interested in people who want me to denounce the church... It’s not a church worthy of denouncing.” Really? I would think that any Christian, American or otherwise, would and should be upset by a whole host of things said at any church spewing a liberation theology; especially one that spurs on and encourages men like Pfleger and Wright.

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